
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Heuristics Lead to Predictable Biases and Inconsistencies Essay

The human brain is complex, most especially as a specimen for study regarding decision-making and problem solving. The brain uses very precise methods of compression in order to distinguish the most important features of a certain sensory data. Because of human error, these methods are not perfect. Humans obtain large numbers of sensory data a day, even terabytes worth to be more precise. Most of what a person sees within the day gets erased from his memory, yet tiny pieces of data remain. These are converted into symbolic format, which would connect to the person’s experiences once he is in contact with it. When the sensory data gets abstracted it then becomes symbolical to the person and taken from long-term memory, certain biasing effects arise. â€Å"Biases also operate when the symbols are invoked and manipulated for cognitive operations. † The results of these are our belief systems, representation and anchoring. Anchoring refers to the process where people form beliefs around an anchor and every incoming data should relate towards that anchor even though significantly irrelevant. Representation â€Å"occurs when people expect their outputs to resemble the generating process.† Yet representation doesn’t prove efficient and always true, and this is due mainly because of human bias. Representation and anchoring are examples of heuristics. They are more commonly described as â€Å"rules of thumb† which humans use in reasoning in cognitively economical ways. These are inscribed in the human brain, and it is the same for all, as we all have a pair of hands and a pair of eyes. Heuristics started in the late 1960s and early 1970s and devised by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman where they focused their studies on human judgment. Heuristics replaced rational judgment and the algorithmic method where they theorized that judgment in uncertainty rests on a limited number of heuristics rather than other more complicated methods. Heuristics became accepted and spread upon almost all forms of knowledge – economics, medicine, law, psychology and political science. This study was revolutionary in its time because â€Å"it simultaneously questioned the descriptive adequacy of ideal models of judgment and offered a cognitive alternative that explained human error without invoking motivated irrationality. † Kahneman and Tversky’s study revolved around the assumption of â€Å"bounded rationality†. In their study, they have also showed that humans indeed are very limited in processing and are probable to erroneous judgment, they attest to the earlier models of judgment where not fit to humans since they are much simpler than what is really happens in human decision making. After wide acceptance and a moving away from the rational decision-making patterns devised in the past, where humans are thought to always choose the best decision by means of probability, Heuristics is still seen to have inconsistencies and laden with biases. The whole concept of Heuristics gives a structured way of problem solving, taking into consideration human brain function and capacity which inevitably makes the process easier. As compared to the old model of thinking where humans are always seen to know probability and choose the best way based on probability computation, Heuristics give a deeper understanding of the human condition. Some failures of heuristics enter when it is presented with data that is not part of its â€Å"domain of expertise† or what is already previously calculated. Biases are a key error in using heuristics for problem solving. A cognitive bias is defined as â€Å"any of a wide range of observer effects identified in cognitive science and social psychology including very basic statistical, social attribution, and memory errors that are common to all human beings. † Biases that are in direct relation to decision making and problem solving affect scientific methods technically designed to eliminate these exact chances of bias. Biases in Heuristics are difficult to notice for three reasons. First, the human thinking process that is used to judge and assess in problem solving is in itself full of biases. Second, biases are common and widespread that it is difficult to notice and third, the decisions that are made through the use of Heuristics feel good therefore it satisfies the person, regardless if it right or wrong. According to a University of Pennsylvania law school research paper, principal findings in behavioral economics and cognitive psychology through the years have shown in studies that humans â€Å"deviate from ideal precepts of rationality in many settings, showcasing inconsistent judgment in the face of framing and other formal manipulations of the presentation of problems.† In their research paper entitled, â€Å"Heuristics and Biases in Thinking About Tax†, they have suggested that citizens especially in the United States suffer from a wide range of biases in the understanding of the basic features of the tax-law design and reform, like the perceptual biases more studied in the domain of the private markets, like the evaluation of â€Å"risky choice† and consumer finances. The main goal of the paper was to show that in evaluating the tax systems present in the country, citizens are vulnerable and exhibit a wide range of Heuristics and biases, which lead to inconsistent judgment and evaluation. Prevalence of these biases show that there is indeed room for â€Å"skillful† politicians and facile political systems to â€Å"manipulate public opinion, and that tax system design will reflect a certain volatility on account of the possibility of eliciting preference reversals through purely formal rhetorical means. † Due to the inconsistencies and biases of Heuristics, decision theorists have studied this phenomenon more closely. It turned into a respected field, founded by of Kahneman and Tversky, commonly known as â€Å"Heuristics and biases.† Heuristics may work well in problem solving, but can also turn to harmful biases. A few examples of heuristics and biases include Framing, which means viewing a need in the real world as a â€Å"problem† you can work on solving and the counterpart bias is mistaking your view of the problem for the real need. Status quo, a heuristic that implies â€Å"Business as Usual† or â€Å"If it ain’t broke don’t fix it† may incur bias against anything new. Cognitive overconfidence is the same as decisiveness and refusal to be haunted by doubt which may lead to the bias of self-delusion. The Heuristic Prudent Estimation means â€Å"conservative estimates† which may lead to missed opportunities which are especially dangerous in group problem solving. Most likely scenario has the Heuristic explanation of avoiding wasting time on possibilities that probably won’t happen, but the bias is rare events can be the most important. Guessing at patterns implies quickly spotting the trend or the big picture, with a corresponding bias of â€Å"Outguessing randomness† and seeing patterns that doesn’t exist. The last example Recall ability or Availability which implies, if an idea doesn’t fit in with the obvious data, it’s surely suspect. The corresponding bias for this is, non-obvious things can be most important or even most common. These examples of Heuristics are common in everyday life, and these rules of thumb do help in assessing situations such as deals in business, economics, or day to day domestic problems. It is common knowledge that these Heuristics can fail predictably, which are also known as â€Å"hidden traps† when a person succumbs to the counterpart bias. It is already a given that Heuristics bring about inconsistencies and biases, but there are some methods of control. For example, for the Heuristic Framing, advice is to not automatically accept initial framing, strive for objective neutral framing, and challenge other people’s framings. These are remedies to biased formed Heuristics, which will generally help in problem solving, whichever stage of the problem the person is at.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I hold my duty as i hold my soul both to my God Essay

Polonius’ statement, found in Act Two, Scene Two, reflects the symmetry and order of the society he lives in. He inhabits a world of certainty and medieval convention. The play can be seen to challenge the statement, both in the action and in the characters, particularly in the character of Hamlet himself. It is Hamlet, the ‘renaissance’ man of the play, whose controversial attitude is constantly seen to challenge the medieval certainties that could still be seen in Jacobean society. Value was placed on duty to the monarch and to God; the institution of marriage was sacred and scientific reasoning was absolute and definite. All these things are challenged in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The social and cultural climate of Jacobean society was such that certainties and conventions were held in high esteem- Shakespeare’s Hamlet is written in the context of, for example, the social hierarchy of the time, the medieval court, and religion. All of these are challenged in the play by both the characters and the plot. Even the very form of the statement challenges these certainties, for the couplet is a chiasmus- the symmetrical structure reflects the very nature of the society in which Polonius lives. In Shakespeare’s time society was beginning to ask some of the questions which Shakespeare addresses through the character of Hamlet. Most people embraced a rational, scientific line of thinking – Elizabethans were not always heavily superstitious. For example, in Act one, Scene one, Horatio expresses doubt at the existence of the ghost: ‘Before my God, I might not this believe Without the sensible and true avouch Of mine own eyes. ‘ They also began to question the old hierarchy and the natural order of things- such as God and ‘gracious king’ upon the dawn of the Renaissance. The idea of society as a fixed structure and everything being ordained in the world was indeed a strong certainty. Hamlet has a clear vision of things as they are – he is a realist, a Renaissance man, unlike characters such as Claudius and Polonius who Shakespeare portrays to be lacking in vision. Shakespeare shows the court to be full of people who think that all these things are absolute simply because they have always been a certain way. Hamlet is also the main vehicle through which Shakespeare conveys his views. Hamlet has indeed been brought up with medieval and religious certainties too. ‘Or that the everlasting had not fix’d His canon ‘gainst self- slaughter. ‘ A modern audience may very well see Hamlet as being rather tame- a twenty-first century rebel would not acknowledge proprieties such as the divine ban on suicide- but Hamlet seeks more than revenge. He is a melancholy individual, who searches for the answers to some of these questions; through the title statement, Shakespeare challenges his contemporary audience and the modern audience to question these certainties too. Hamlet’s clear vision is in direct contrast to the other characters, in the sense that he is the only character who is prepared to question these certainties and to try and define, in a sense, what the true meaning of life is, what it is all about. Shakespeare challenges the statement of duty to God and king by implying, through the character of Hamlet that life is underpinned by something other than the monarch and the church. Hamlet is totally aware of the beauty of the world yet at the same time has a pessimistic outlook on the gifts of man as we are all destined to die anyway: ‘What piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god: ‘and yet to me what is this quintessence of dust? ‘ The character of Polonius is underpinned by values such as duty to God and king- this is illustrated not only in Act Two Scene Two but also in Act One Scene Three: ‘This above all : to thine own self be true, As it must follow the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man. ‘ This quotation illustrates a simplistic outlook on life. The main way in which Shakespeare challenges this outlook is, ironically, in Polonius’ death. In Act Three, scene four, Polonius is casually and ignominiously killed by Hamlet : ‘O, I am slain. ‘ Polonius expresses surprise as much as anything, while Hamlet ‘s words reinforce the irony of Polonius’ self- importance: ‘I took thee for thy better. Take thy fortune: Thou find’st to be too busy in some danger. ‘ Polonius is clearly at home in this ordered society and shows a passive acceptance of the status quo. He has a simple medieval outlook on life and clearly values his duty to his God and king; however, he dies by ridiculous accident. Although throughout his life he has clearly endeavoured to serve these two entities to the best of his ability, he still dies an unnatural, brutal death. Shakespeare is therefore illustrating the irrelevance that these values have to life, both in Shakespeare’s era and now. The statement which Polonius makes in Act Two Scene Two about duty to God and King allows the reader to infer a lot about the character of Polonius and the world in which he lives- he does not seek new experience. These medieval certainties are also challenged in the character of Claudius. He is obviously not on the side of God- indeed, he seems to contradict the very reasoning of the church by the brutal manner in which he murders the king. It is ironic therefore that he seems to declare himself king by divine right as he actually dies with a guilty conscience: ‘There’s such divinity doth hedge a king That treason can but peep to what it would, Acts little of his will. ‘ Here it appears that Claudius has conveniently forgotten exactly how he became king. Shakespeare is challenging the idea of kingship. He is showing the court to be full of people who think things are the way they are because they have always been done that way, such as Polonius, Gertrude, Claudius, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The character of Claudius highlights the corruption of the medieval court. The intrigue and machiavellian machinations of the court are self justifying to all these people; for example, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern deceive Hamlet and go behind his back simply because they are serving their king. In Shakespeare’s time deception and violence were commonplace if they would benefit the king. Although Claudius seems to take the moral high-ground throughout the play he has no good intentions toward Hamlet at all. Shakespeare’s Hamlet also challenges the institution of marriage- it is shown in the conduct of Gertrude and Claudius not be a sacred union but a justification for excessive promiscuity. Hamlet is distraught by his mother’s rapid re- marriage to his uncle after his father’s death: ‘To post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets’. Shakespeare invites us then to question the notion of a stable royal marriage, and the values that society had then and the values we have now. Hamlet is disgusted by their sexual excesses and, moreover feels he has been tainted by them: ‘O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew. ‘ Shakespeare is challenging the morality of the royal marriage- the fact that Gertrude marries the king’s own brother shortly after his death seems to suggest the absence of love. In Hamlet, the degree of emotion and true respect in marriage is shown to be weak- it is easily overruled by lust, as the ghost of the previous king states: ‘Let not the royal bed of Denmark be. A couch for luxury and damned incest’. Hamlet is an unconventional revenge tragedy- Shakespeare subverts the genre. Hamlet is reluctant to take revenge whereas Laertes is hot- headed, impulsive and ready to avenge the murder of Polonius: ‘It warms the very sickness in my heart That I shall live and tell him to his teeth, ‘Thus diest thou’. Shakespeare undermines the concept further by showing that Hamlet is not in fact a coward- his ideas are slightly more subtle. He is indeed hesitant about avenging his father’s murder- he passes up an opportunity to kill Claudius in Act Three, scene four, as he does not want to kill him in an act of redemption. This goes against the traditional idea of medieval and Jacobean revenge: ‘A villain kills my father, and for that To heaven. Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge. ‘ This is a challenge to the genre because Hamlet is prepared to bide his time in order to achieve the perfect murder- he wont be spontaneous and impulsive. This is shown by the fact that he passes up an opportunity to kill Claudius. Shakespeare’s Hamlet has a good degree of relevance to life in the twenty- first century. Although some of the major themes, such as the court and incest, are no longer applicable to modern life, we can relate to some of the underlying themes such as love, sorrow and resentment; we can relate to the emotional distress. Reasoning in Medieval Denmark where the play is set nor indeed in Jacobean society is not so different to our reasoning today- the majority of people today may not believe in ghosts but characters in the play, such as Horatio, and some people in Jacobean society do not believe in ghosts either. In Act one, scene five, Hamlet makes this very thought- provoking comment to Horatio: ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy’. We have our certainties today- in the form of scientific reasoning; but our certainties are equally open and capable of being challenged. One of the main themes in Hamlet is death- we are still uncertain about what happens after we die. The character of Hamlet himself has a romantic, post modernist way of thinking; everything is relative and there are no certainties- only thoughts: ‘Nothing is good or bad. Thinking makes it so. ‘ In a sense here Hamlet can be compared to the Romantics. Keats wrote in the context of Shakespeare: †Twixt damnation and impassion’d clay’. (‘On Sitting Down To Read King Lear’) This in a sense is what underpins Shakespeare’s Hamlet- the idea that whatever certainties are held in any given era will always be questionable, and open to discussion. Our certainties will always be challenged because nothing is definite, or absolute. This romantic concept is based on the idea that this is what life is about- challenging certainties in order to try and discover the ineffable truth about this world and the next.

Alka-Seltzer tablets react with water Essay

Things tend to go wrong at higher temperatures because at higher temperatures (60iC+) the dissolved calcium hydrogen carbonate starts to decompose. This removes the temporary hardness and therefore removes the dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, therefore making the test unfair because at lower temperatures there was hardness in the water. From the results obtained it has been seen that the rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases, supporting my hypothesis in which I stated that †As the temperature increases, so will the rate of reaction, but at higher temperatures the pattern (link) will break down (giving us unreliable results and the trend in the graph will show this). Therefore the Alka-Seltzer tablets dropped into the hottest water will dissolve the fastest. † As you can see from the graph, at 80i C the link breaks down, giving us a result that does not fit in with the general trend of results. This is not an anomalous result and there is a reason behind this. Things tend to go wrong at higher temperatures because at higher temperatures (60i C+) the dissolved calcium hydrogen carbonate starts to decompose. This removes the temporary hardness and therefore removes the dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, therefore making the test unfair because at lower temperatures there was hardness in the water. The graph showing the time in seconds (rate of reaction), against the temperature shows the rate of reaction increasing with the temperature, and there is a curve that at first goes down steeply, but then becomes straighter. At 80i C the link breaks down, giving us an odd result, which can be explained by the fact that the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are removed due to the decomposing of the calcium hydrogen carbonate. As you can see from the graph and my table of results, the result obtained at 30i C is an anomalous result (i. e. it doesn’t follow the general trend). This again supports my hypothesis in which I stated this by saying that the link would break down giving us unreliable results. The link did not break down at 60i C as I had stated that it would because that is only the temperature at which the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions started to decompose and once they had fully decomposed the results showed this. For the 1/time(s) against the temperature (i C) graph I got a straight line, which was the line of best fit. Again it shows how unreliable the results are at higher temperatures, as the results for 70i C and 80i C do not fit in.showing how the link breaks down due to dissolved substances in the water. This shows that the temperature is inversely proportional to the time. Also I predicted that as the temperature increased by 10i C the rate of reaction would approximately double. The results do not clearly show this happening, but I believe that it shows some signs of this happening. At 20i C the average time is 97. 5 seconds. When the temperature was increased to 30i C it approximately doubled (x 2. 17 to 3 significant figures) to 45 seconds. However this is an anomalous result and should be higher. Even so, this still supports my prediction. The next result obtained is for 40i C, which is 37 seconds. There is no sign of the rate doubling (x 1. 22 to 3 significant figures), but if we take into account that the previous result should have been higher, then it would appear to approximately double. From here onwards it does not double for every 10i C. This is due to my theory (scientific background knowledge) that things go wrong at higher temperatures due to the decomposing of calcium hydrogen carbonate at temperatures of 60i C and above. Evaluation: I have obtained a reliable set of results, with repeats of the evidence obtained. An accurate procedure was used, with this being shown by the results obtained which all agree with each other. By using a burette, it allowed me to work up to a very accurate degree of accuracy, rather than simply using a beaker or a measuring cylinder. However, I did use a measuring cylinder for repeat results and this did not seem to affect my results. I obtained one set of anomalous results. These were obtained for a temperature of 30i C and did not fit in with the general trend. According to the best-fit line on my graph, the rate of reaction should have been longer and it should have taken about 58 seconds for the Alka-Seltzer tablets to dissolve in water with a temperature of 30i C. A reason for me obtaining this anomalous result could have been due to the fact that whilst the reaction was taking place the 100ml beaker was still in the water bath. This would have caused the temperature to rise slowly and slowly increase the rate while the tablets were dissolving, therefore causing more collisions and increasing the rate. This did not happen however at higher temperatures, because the temperature of the water bath was about the same, and so it did not really have much effect, and it just kept the temperature constant (i. e. stopped it rising or falling). Although I tried my best to make the experiment perfect there were some unavoidable inaccuracies with the experiment. Firstly, when testing lower temperatures, the temperature of the water bath, which was much higher than the actual temperature being tested, caused a rapid increase in the temperature, or if it were lower it would cause it to decrease rapidly, especially when taken off the Bunsen. These gave us results for inaccurate temperatures to which were we testing. To overcome this problem, a thermostatic water bath would need to have been used, since it can be set to a certain temperature, and it will stop when it reaches there. Also it would mean that the solution inside it would reach the exact temperature or close to it. , and not increase or decrease once the water inside it has reached equilibration. Secondly, it was impossible to say when exactly the Alka-Seltzer tablets had completely dissolved and consistently decide this for every result obtained. This was a huge flaw in the experiment and affected the results in a big way. To overcome this problem a special piece of apparatus would be needed to decide exactly when they had dissolved each time and give us the same measure of consistency each time. To improve the quality of the results, the same piece of apparatus would have needed to be used throughout the whole experiment, and not changed for repeat results. To extend my inquiry and provide additional evidence for this experiment, I think that I could have investigated up to higher temperatures and see how the link would break down, and how the results would fit in with the trend of results. Also, it would have helped me to see how the decomposing of the dissolved substances affected the results. To improve the experiment and make it fair, distilled water should have been used instead of tap water because it is purer than tap water and does not contain impurities.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Report about Portugal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Report about Portugal - Essay Example By 868, the First County of Portugal with the Kingdom of Leon had been established. Re-conquest of the Christian kingdoms began by the 11th Century, and in the process ‘Portucale’ was declared an independent kingdom by its ruler Afonso Henriques in 1139, and by 1147, Afonso took control of Lisbon. By the 1400’s Portugal had built up a large empire with colonies across the world including Mozambique and Goa (Rough Guides, 2008), and Portugal’s Golden Age reached a peak with the discovery of Brazil in 1500, in which vast amounts of wealth and trade were established in its new colonies. However, by 1580, Spain had invaded Portugal during a succession crisis, and ruled Portugal for the next 60 years. Portugal started to regain independence in 1640, and by 1668 the Spanish vacated the country. Portugal re-established trading routes with Brazil, and its fortunes were restored by the trading in gold from Brazil until 1822, when Brazil declares independence from Po rtugal. Napoleon’s invasion in 1807, combined with the loss of Brazil left Portugal impoverished and divided, until 1910 when a republican revolution overthrew the monarchy. However, the weakness of the economy led to another military coup in 1926 and a long period of dictatorship by Salazar commenced until 1968, in which poverty became widespread and all political opposition was banned. The country became a virtual recluse in the world community until 1974, when the Carnation Revolution ended the dictatorship and restored democracy by 1976. Portugal joined the European Community in 1986 (now known as the European Union (EU)), and enjoyed rapid economic growth and became a key member state in modern Western Europe. In 1999 it was one of the founding countries to adopt the Euro currency. However, the 2008 financial crises resulted in a gross budget deficit in Portugal, and in 2011 it became the third EU country to ask

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation - Essay Example There are some published works concerning the influence of roughness and moisture properties of the substrate surface on the bond strength with added layer. But, most works concentrate only on one characteristic of roughness or moisture or test method etc., at one time. Further, roughness is assessed only qualitatively, by observing the substrate surface and by classifying it as very smooth, smooth, rough. In the Eurocode 2 (Eurocode 2, 2003) it is stated that for shear at interface between concrete cast at different times, "in the absence of more detailed information, surfaces may be classified as very smooth, smooth, rough or indented". This kind of roughness evaluation has disadvantage due to subjective results. Thus, this dissertation aims to carry out an experimental study for evaluating the effect of different surface conditions on the bond between two concretes and to compare the effects of different roughness conditions relative to quantified roughness parameters. It is antic ipated that with this study, a suitable condition for substrate surface for optimum bond will be established. The researcher wishes to convey his profound gratitude and sincerest appreciation to those who have extended much effort and assistance contributory to the success of the dissertation. His deepest indebtedness goes particularly to the following: Almighty God, for giving him strength, wisdom, and vision to finish his study; His Supervisor, for his guidance and suggestions to improve the research work; His family, who reassured, inspired, and supported him morally, and financially; His colleague and friends, for their words of encouragement; All others who helped the researcher make this dissertation possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Abstract Acknowledgment Table of Contents List of Figures CHAPTER 1 - Introduction General Adhesion Literature Review CHAPTER 2 - Methodology Test Methods Shear Tests Direct Shear Test CHAPTER 3 - Experimental Details Concrete Mix Properties Sample Details Test Details CHAPTER 4 - Results & Discussions CHAPTER 5 - Conclusions & Recommendations LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Concrete remains an indispensable construction material because of its flexibility, durability and workability. With time, however, concrete structures deteriorate and weaken, thus repair and restructuring is inevitable. Signs of deterioration or defects such as cracks on the structures are often perceived as indicators of the need to perform maintenance. Concrete repairs usually require adding of new concrete to existing old concrete element to protract the 'useful life of an existing structure, to restore its load-carrying capacity and stiffness, and to strengthen its members' (Bissonnette, et al., 2009). Some of the most commonly used cementing materials in the production of the new overlay include resin, mortar, mortar purified with latex, ordinary concrete (OC),

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The importance of financial literacy among young adults Research Paper

The importance of financial literacy among young adults - Research Paper Example rogram during decision-making and feedback time; other stakeholders should be requested to give their input as experience can reveal many underlying factors. Finally, they should have mentors to guide them on dos and don’ts of successful application of financial literacy skills. According to Chan and Stevens (2003), financial literacy can be explained in two main ways including use of a person’s grasp of mathematical concepts, and understanding and use of financial terminologies. However, financial literacy is different from other forms of financial education by the fact that it is practice-oriented. For instance, a person may have all the information on sound financial management; but if this information is only in the form of the theoretical basis, then this person is illiterate on financial literacy terms. Therefore, for one to be considered financially competent, one must have a full understanding of all financial terminology and apply it in the appropriate context. Moreover, one should have the capacity to use the classroom learnt mathematical concepts at a practical level. The level of use of these two main components of financial literacy should be high, and the two must relate seamlessly to enhance the financial competence of an individual. T his means that a fine grasp of terms and financial ideas should be accompanied by direct or indirect application to one’s life in financial decisions; without application of learnt skills, a person remains financially incompetent regardless of how much one may know about personal finance (Hilgert, Hogarth and Beverly, 2003). Therefore, any syllabus on financial competence must include practical aspects like case studies, real-life examples, and mentorship. Studies have established that though all people need instructions on financial literacy, the levels differ with various factors, most of which are contributed by environmental exposure of a person to instances of financial competence application. This means

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing for Southwest Airline Company Case Study

Marketing for Southwest Airline Company - Case Study Example The main reason for this is the dissatisfaction that the individuals and companies experience from the complex pricing strategy if the airline industry. This is a negative implication for the industry since it results in loss of customers and thereby placing it at a risk of making losses or yielding lower returns for the potential and existing investors. The industry is also at the threat of facing external attacks such as by the terrorists whose impact is negative on the operation of the industry. The attacks result in losses that take a long time to recover. They also result in loss of the significant number of customers as some flights need to be canceled while others still need to be rescheduled. These inconveniences result to traffics experienced by customers which end up inconveniencing many, leading to dissatisfaction in the passengers. This inconvenience also results in many passengers shifting to the competitors of the industries and others substituting air transport to other means of transportation. This as well results in losses that are either irrecoverable or take some time to be recovered. This further ends up lowering returns for the investors both the existing and the potential (Rouse 4). An agreement to Buffet’s assertion is also based on the fact that the airline industry is highly competitive and profitability is highly sensitive to capital and operating cost changes. The industry, therefore, lacks stability in terms of expected profits. This also results from the threat of competitors who tend to set their fares and prices by reviewing the prices set by the industry. This leads to them engaging in an unhealthy competition which is price based. This leads the industry to not being able to determine what it needs to stabilize its profitability.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Genetically Engineered Crops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Genetically Engineered Crops - Essay Example The essay outlines the genetic engineering for agricultur. The U. S., British, and other governments that envision the biotechnology sector as the wave of the future, and as a means of augmenting their national competitiveness, have strongly supported the industry and its efforts to commercialize (and normalize) these new technologies. They have devoted considerable sums of money to biotechnology research (Gottweis 1998), taken significant strides to deregulate the industry (Wright 1994), and sought to promote the spread of U. S.-style intellectual property rights in the World Trade Organization. The U. S. government in particular has also promoted the dissemination of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries through the U. S. Agency for International Development. With so much economic and political muscle propelling them, it is not surprising that GE crops hit the ground running when they came onto the scene in the mid-1990s. But what is surprising is that the rapid growth in GE crop deployment has been matched by an equally remarkable (and perhaps historically unprecedented) proliferation of citizens' voices challenging the biotechnology industry on economic, environmental, cultural, and moral grounds. Indeed, long before transgenic crops made their way to the market, individuals and groups concerned about the dissemination of these new technologies were already questioning their safety, utility, and necessity. Advances in genetics have reached a stage where breeding schemes can now be augmented with the use of a number of technologies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate Standards in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Standards in India - Essay Example Alternatively, it has an aesthetic sense of restoring the damaged integrity of the nation of India. On that note, the paper has expounded on several practical mechanisms such as the search for universal standards, instill corporate standards and implementing convergence of standards in the Indian companies among others. For the last five years, several corporate scandals have rocked India hence leading to the damage of its integrity. From Barclays issuing false numbers in the financial market of London to bribes-for-loans scandal, India has been wading in corporate graft (Bilal 2008, p.56). On that note, there are several ways to improve the corporate standards to save the image of India. This is to avoid financial losses and loss of jobs and resources. Therefore, the first method of upholding the corporate standard is to search for universal standards. It is imperative to observe that the mechanisms of corporate governance fluctuate from country to country. On that aspect, it is fun damental to note that political, economical and social perspectives define corporate governance (Buthwar 2011, p.78). This means the corporate practice of Indian companies should echo its set national ethos and value systems. For instance, in the Barclays scandal, its leadership should step down and investigated to reveal the motive of their virtues. Additionally, the form of corporate governance should be inculcated among managers and customers in order to understand the limits of conducting business transactions. This has a positive implication of reducing cases of corporate graft as observed in the recent years in India. Another crucial matter involves assimilation corporate philosophy among various organizations to avoid scandals such Forex derivates scam and Andhra Pradesh land that saw the companies lose $5.79 billion and $18.1 billion respectively. Alternatively, it is critical for major shareholders in such organizations to call for higher stakes in the contribution of the c ompany. This suggests that despite the management of the company having a special status, shareholders should work in cooperation with the managers to avert cases of corporate scandals. Furthermore, it should be upon the corporate heads to increase globalization of encouraging competitive business that does not condone corruption. This is why the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was established to work as a benchmark for monitoring Indian corporations. Another better method to instill corporate standards is to implement convergence of standards in the Indian companies. This entails shaping their corporate according the global market orientation such as in the US and UK in order to limit cases of fraud. For example, the telecoms scandal that made India lose up to $ 462 billion could have been avoided if better convergence standards were in place. In other words, the companies that acquired illegal licenses without proper qualification could not have resul ted to such financial damage. Alternatively, the concerned corporations could have properly mitigated other scandals such as the Barclays and Mumbai Sales Tax fraud. Again, this method of standardization has the benefit of integrating financial markets and foreign investor requirements. This is known to encourage higher standards and practices of

Struggle & Survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Struggle & Survival - Essay Example In addition, they were the means of spreading of ideas across systems of communication. Moreover, the creation and development of European settler societies greatly transformed the lives of these people both negatively as well as positively (11). The society during the European colonization of America was an irregularly delicate structure. The establishment of European settler societies brought about changes in lifestyle for instance the issue of town living as a form of living a civilized life. Other settlers arrived in America with the hope of reinstating a structure of society that they deemed was appropriate in Western Europe. As a result, armed disagreement with the Native Americans offered a strong inducement for integration as did the occasionally threatening peculiarity of the American environment. However, shortly, the compelling forces in New World civilization acted as a prevailing corrosive on the common standards and forms of behaviour of the European settlers, both in the borders and inside the colonial cities and towns (17). The European perceptions of personal property and the adverse exploitation of the environment for commercial purposes were great deterrents to communal modes of behaviour. Nevertheless, the Indian ways of life and culture offered a resilient foundation for societal cohesion. Among African slaves, integration and cohesion occurred in terms of religious affiliations than in open struggle. In addition, there were several chances for grouping integration with the strongly administered social order of plantation, household and mine. This provided the African slaves with a good ground of interaction and modification of their behaviour. These people learned various aspects of life, which they incorporated in their daily activities (18). The collective foundation of the community remained integral in the Native American civilizations and to a smaller extent even among the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Relationship between media technology and culture Essay

Relationship between media technology and culture - Essay Example McLuhan’s work laid emphasis on how media is not an exclusive domain, but a space for the intermingling of politics, commerce and culture. One of the founding fathers of the field of media ecology, McLuhan introduced his core ideas in the 1950s and 60s. This was a period of rapid growth in telecommunication technology. The project McLuhan undertook is no less than to explain how â€Å"the nuances and great sweeps of human history are made possible by media of communication--how media determine the thoughts and actions of people and society.† (Strate, 2004) Raymond Williams’ career as a media analyst succeeded that of McLuhan. Consequently, he was able to see the flaws in several of McLuhan’s theories and rectify them to a large extent. Where Williams differed from his predecessor was on his ability to place media in the larger socio-cultural and economic dimensions rather than merely the technological dimension. This essay will argue that while McLuhan lai d out many fundamental concepts governing media studies, it is Williams who offers a more robust and veritable framework of understanding for studying media. Their arguments are weighed in the cases of digital media such as the television and the Internet. And finally, where either scholar’s concepts fall short, the Propaganda Model proposed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman is referred to present a more comprehensive understanding of media and its functionality. ... and weapons, in addition to the major mass media and communication technologies.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) Hence, media is effectively an extension of human beings and their perceptory faculties and capabilities. While there is efficiency and expedition in the dissemination of information in this setup, the concerns are the attendant negative consequences. For example, an outcome of this pervasive media space is the numbing of our critical faculties under the overload of information processing. In this cultural order where ‘the medium is the message’, there is danger in media technology’s role in â€Å"how and what we communicate, how we think, feel, and use our senses, and in our social organization, way of life, and world view.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) I concur with McLuhan’s apprehensive about the power of media technology in determining and dictating culture. McLuhan further argued that â€Å"the sensory organization, and the relation ship between sensory organization and the nature of thought were shaped by a person's direct experience with a medium. He saw television as a high-involvement medium, which leads viewers to crave the same level of involvement in all of their experiences. This was based on his designation of television as a "cool" medium, drawing on the distinction between "hot" jazz which was highly structured, and "cool" jazz, which was more unstructured, generating more listener involvement.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) It is fair to claim that this theory is now proven to be inaccurate, for television actually only requires passive consumption as opposed to active engagement. Indeed, television has thus acquired the derogatory terms ‘idiot box’ and ‘the tube’. This is one of several instances where McLuhan’s grasp of the nature

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Processes Of Social And Family Relations Essay Example for Free

The Processes Of Social And Family Relations Essay Culture refers to a set of attitudes, values, systems and traditions that are shared by some common people in the society. It is what defines a set of people and distinguishes them from another. There is a correlation between culture and behavior. The social upbringing of a child in a family set up would influence her future behavior. The child would recognize that way as the most appropriate one of doing things. On family relations, individualists would become emotional and aggressive. On the ether hand, Collectivists would be emphatic and tolerant people. Career development strategies would influence one’s self confidence or lack of it. Uncertainty of a career of one’ choice may lead to aggression, drug abuse due to frustration and other deviant behaviors in the society. Various stakeholders are involved in career development. These include parents, teachers and counselors. How they approach career development would affect one’s behavior. The difference between individualist and collectivist cultures is that whereas individualists believe in independence, collectivists believe in externality and group work. Political organization is a set / system of the body politic and the government. Within the political environment, there exist checks and balances whereby certain interested parties/groups like the human rights activists and trade unionists keep the government on its toes. This would lead to a reduction of deviance and other social injustices in the community. But depending on whether one is an individualist/ collectivist, political organization would determine how he/she would react to the changes in the political environment. In career development, people with individualist cultures tend to follow what they deem best. Collectivists would consult and their conclusions would encompass external opinions and ideas. Individualism makes one independent-minded who in addition is mesmerized  Ã‚   in eigocentricy. For a collectivist, he is a humble and accommodative person. Advantages of individualism are that one makes autonomous decisions. Decisions are made after they have been widely thought out. However, no single individual is perfect in all aspects. People need each other in society. Internality breeds selfishness and societal discrimination. A collective culture is advantageous in terms of problem solving especially those that determine one’s future trait/behavior. Conflicts are well solved through consultation. One also learns other people’s cultures and this brings about cultural fit in the society. However, collectivism has its own drawbacks. People are different and one may not make concrete judgments and/or resolutions when he/she engages others. This can lead to confusion and lack of independence when solving problems. REFERENCES Clyde Klukholm, Culture and behavior, Free Press of Glencoe, 2006

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Workers Participation In Management Management Essay

Workers Participation In Management Management Essay Workers participation is a system where workers and management share important information with each other and participate in decision taking. Workers participation in management is an essential ingredient of Industrial democracy. The concept of workers participation in management is based on Human Relations approach to Management which brought about a new set of values to labor and management. Workers participation in management implies mental and emotional involvement of workers in the management of Enterprise. It is considered as a mechanism where workers have a say in the decision-making. It is a process by which authority and responsibility of managing industry are shared with workers. Objectives of Workers Participation in Management: Economic Objective: Workers participation in management aims at increasing productivity of labor by improving cooperation between employer and employees. Productivity is sought to be increased by improving job satisfaction and industrial relations. Social Objective: Under participation, industry is considered as a social institution in which each and every worker has a vested interest. The purpose of participation is to ensure human dignity and to get the workers a respectable status in the society. Psychological Objective: Workers participation in management seeks to bring about a change in the attitude of the workers. Through participation, they will consider themselves an integral part of the industry rather than mere working hands. Participation provides the employees an opportunity to express themselves thereby satisfying their non-economic needs. It provides them a sense of belonging, pride and accomplishment. Importance of Workers Participation in Management: Workers Participation in Management provides the following benefits: Mutual Understanding: Participation brings the two parties closer and makes them aware of each others problems. As a result, a better understanding and mutual trust can be created between employer and workers. Higher Productivity: Cooperation between management and labor helps to increase production and profits of the industry. Participation improves employee motivation and job satisfaction which in turn help to increase their efficiency. Higher productivity leads to lower costs per unit and greater profits which are beneficial to all. Industrial Harmony: Workers participation in management helps to reduce industrial disputes and to improve workers loyalty. Continuous dialogue between management and workers improves peace in industry. Industrial Democracy: Workers participation in management ushers in industrial democracy which is necessary for political democracy. Need for outside intervention between employer and employees is eliminated and workers are freed from exploitation. Less Resistance to Change: Workers often resist change due to fear and ignorance. When workers participate in the decision making, they come to understand that change is ultimately in their own interest. They become more able and ready to adopt themselves to technological and other changes made to improve the competitive position of the company. Creativity and Innovation: Participation encourages workers to think and take initiative. Their talent and ability can be capitalized; highly competent employees can be spotted and given prevention. Forms / Methods of Workers Participation in Management: Suggestion schemes: Participation of workers can take place through suggestion scheme. Under this method workers are invited and encouraged to offer suggestions for improving the working of the enterprise. A suggestion box is installed and any worker can write his suggestions and drop them in the box. Periodically all the suggestions are scrutinized by the suggestion committee or suggestion screening committee. The committee is constituted by equal representation from the management and the workers. The committee screens various suggestions received from the workers. Good suggestions are accepted for implementation and suitable awards are given to the concerned workers. Suggestion schemes encourage workers interest in the functioning of an enterprise. Works committee: Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, every establishment employing 100 or more workers is required to constitute a Works Committee. Such a committee consists of equal number of representatives from the employer and the employees. The main purpose of this committee is to provide measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and the employees. Joint Management Councils: Joint consultation is the process whereby employer consults the workers either directly or through their representatives and seeks their opinion on various issues while retaining to him the right of taking final decisions. Joint consultation is a popular form of popular participation in management. These councils consist of equal number of representatives of the employers and employees, not exceeding 12 at the plant level. The council discusses various matters relating to the working of the industry. This council is entrusted with the responsibility of administering welfare measures, supervision of safety and health schemes, scheduling of working hours, rewards for suggestions etc. Work directors: Under this method, one or two representatives of  workers are nominated or elected to the  Board of Directors. This is the full-fledged and highest form of  workers participation in management.  The basic idea behind this method is that  the representation of workers at the top-level would  usher Industrial Democracy, congenial employee-employer relations and safeguard the workers interests. The  Government of India introduced this  scheme in several public sector  enterprises such as Hindustan Antibiotics, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd etc. However the scheme of appointment of such a  director from among the employees failed miserably and the  scheme was subsequently dropped. Co-partnership: Co-partnership involves  employees participation in the share capital of a company in  which they are employed. By virtue of  their being shareholders, they have  the right to participate in the  management of the company. Shares of the  company can be acquired by workers making cash payment or by way  of stock options scheme. The basic objective of stock options is not to  pass on control in the hands of  employees but providing better financial incentives for  industrial productivity. Shop councils: Government of India, on the 30th of October 1975 announced a new scheme in WPM. In every Industrial establishment employing 500 or more workmen, the employer shall constitute a shop council. Shop council represents each department or a shop in a unit. Each shop council consists of an equal number of representatives from both employer and employees. The employers representatives will be nominated by the management and must consist of persons within the establishment. The workers representatives will be from among the workers of the department or shop concerned. The total number of employees may not exceed 12. Workers Participation in Management in India: Workers participation in Management in India was given importance only after Independence. The workers participation in management is not new even though it got encouragement only after independence. In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi observed Employees should not regard themselves as sole owners of mills and factories of which they may be legal owners. They should regard themselves trustees. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 was the first step in this direction, which recommended for the setting up of works committees. The joint management councils were established in 1950 which increased the labor participation in management. Since July 1975 the two-tier participation called shop councils at shop level and Joint councils were introduced. Workers participation in Management Bill, 1990 was introduced in Parliament which provided scope for upliftment of workers. But still in India, workers participation is not given so much importance because of some of the reasons. These reasons could be discussed below. Reasons for Failure of Workers Participation in India: Some of the reasons for the failure of Workers Participation in India can be are as follows: Employers have by and large resisted workers participation in decision-making. They feel that workers are not competent enough to take decisions. There is no clear evidence to convince managers that participative management will really lead to higher productivity and profitability. Lower level needs of workers are not fully satisfied. Therefore majority of Indian workers are not motivated enough to assume decision making responsibility either directly or through their representatives. Workers representatives who participate in management have to perform the dual role of workers spokesmen and co-managers. Very few representatives are competent enough to assume the two incompatible roles. Generally trade union leaders, who represent workers, are also active members of political parties. While participating in management they give priority to political interest rather than the interests of the workers. Schemes of workers participation have been initiated and sponsored by the government. There has been a lack of initiative on the part of both the employers and the trade unions. The focus has been on participation at higher levels. As a result rank and file of workers are not involved in decision making on matters directly affecting them. In India, labor laws regulate virtually all terms and conditions of employment at the work place. Workers do not feel the urge to participate. The unwillingness of the employer to share powers with the workers representatives, the disinterest of the workers and the perfunctory attitude of the government towards participation in management act as stumbling blocks in the way of promotion of participative management. Measures for making Participation effective: Employer  should  adopt a  progressive  outlook. They should  consider  the industry as a joint endeavor in which  workers have an equal say. Workers should be provided and enlightened about the benefits of their participation in the  management. Employers  and workers should agree  on the  objectives  of the  industry.  They should recognize and respect the rights of each other. Workers and their  representatives should be provided education and trainingin the  philosophy and process of participative management. Workers shouldbe made aware of  the benefits of participative management There should  be effective communication  between  workers  and management and effective consultation of workers by the management in decisions that have an impact on them. Participation  should  be a continuous  process.  To begin  with, participation should start at the operating level of  management. A mutual co-operation and  commitment to participation  must be developed by both management and  labor. Modern scholars are of the mind that the old adage a worker is a worker, a manager is a manager; never the  twain shall meet should be replaced by managers and workers are partners in the progress of business. Thus the above given are some of the measures to improve upon the failure of workers participation in India.

To Be Is To Be Perceived

To Be Is To Be Perceived To be is to be perceived, esse est percipi. This empirical statement was made by the 17th century Irish philosopher Bishop Berkley. He was a foundationalist that aimed to restore the role of religion in philosophy and consequently eradicate scepticism. He was the first philosopher to coherently refute the Cartesian revolution. One generally assumes that empiricism and modern science go hand in hand. That anyone who aims to study the ways of our material world would empirically be studying it, and would thus be an empiricist. However, as we later will discuss, appearances are sometimes not as they seem. In order to critically assess Berkleys statement and his notion that reality is an infinite mind, we must first cover the influential material put forward by Locke and Descartes. These two philosophers from an epistemological point of view were in disagreement, however, from a metaphysical point of view both believed that matter furnished our world. Their only metaphysical difference was how each of them got to their metaphysics. They had opposed epistemological views due to their different opinions regarding the ways in which humans acquire knowledge. Locke was an empiricist, the view that the source and test of contingent knowledge is experience (pg 486 yellow book) Descartes on the other hand was a rationalist, believing that the chief route to knowledge is intellectual rather than sensory. (pg 486 yellow book) In a hypothetical conversation between Locke and Descartes, Descartes would for example ask Locke how he believes to have acquired the notion of infinity. The term Infinity being an idea that cant be experienced would thus leave Locke response less. However, Locke would probably claim that he could empirically sense that numbers for instance will exponentially continue forever, and forever presumes the idea of infinity. When analysing both their epistemological doctrines, it is inevitable that these fall into the area of metaphysics as well. One cannot discuss the ways of acquiring knowledge without mentioning the mind/body problem. This being the main focus of the rest of this essay. Lockes philosophy had a big impact on the world and to a certain extent on Berkleys philosophy, simply because his doctrines transcend empirical methodology. He attempts to prove in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding the relationship between knowledge and ideas. Ideas to Locke came about through sensation and reflection, thus there being no such thing as innate ideas. Sensation and reflection take into account various categories of material intuition for example: extension, solidity and duration. Resulting in simple ideas, which our mind later combines with two or many other simple ideas, creating as Locke calls it: complex ideas. He then makes the important distinction that later is re-interpreted by Berkley and opens the door to his theory of idealism. Locke points out that properties that make up an object are divided into primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities belong not only to observable substances, but also to the minute corpuscles which make them up. Seconda ry qualities such as colour and taste belong to the substance but not to its corpuscles (Woolhouse, 1998, p.870) This reference of corpuscles in Lockes philosophy is remarkable, simply because of the prematurity of Newtonian physics at the time. Primary qualities are therefore the properties that Newtonian physicists analysed in objects. Whilst secondary qualities are for example those of colour, because its unreliability ceases to be a fixed quality of the actual object being perceived. When the lights go out the object ceases to have a colour. All of this experience then amounts to knowledge through intuition, logical entailment and sensation. However, the knowledge that one empirically deduces from experience, Locke claimed that due to our sensory limitations there are complex objects in the world whose essence will remain unperceivable. It is probable that they exist however empirically impossible to prove. He takes this concept of an objects unperceivable essence from Aristotles concept of substance. Berkley picks up on this notion and cunningly points out that declaring the existence of the unperceivable, strictly conflicts empirical rules. We now move the focus of the essay to Berkley and how from Lockes doctrines he develops his own. What Berkley counters in Lockes theory is: to what extent do objects or matter in general have the ability to cause these proclaimed ideas; and if these objects actually have independent qualities that can excite our perception of them. How can it be known, that the things that are perceived, are conformable to those that are not perceived, or exist without the mind? (A. C. Graylingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p.509) Berkley uses Lockes and Descartes theories and rules concerning dualism and is able to demonstrate its flaws. For dualism to function it has to abide to three rules: 1. Material events have to cause neural brain events. 2. In order to have knowledge, ideas in the mind have to be represented by these material events that caused them. 3. Ideas in the mind consequently have to cause neural changes. Berkleys idealism is an outcome of proving that these three dualistic rules are in fact incoherent. It is bizarre, Berkley claimed, how there is a relationship between immaterial ideas that do not abide to physical laws and material objects in space. How can my immaterial idea of a beer take after its material conception of a beer. I cannot drink my idea of a beer. There is a flaw in dualism that isnt able to account for the transition between space and non-space. We are unable to think of any mind-independent properties; all properties that we are aware of exist in our minds. Therefore, since the only thing we can, with certainty, claim that we experience is our perceptions. It is thus irresponsible to claim that there is anything else but our own perceptions. Thus there are no primary qualities of objects/matter, everything is secondary, and everything is in the mind. Berkley has therefore destroyed Lockes distinction between primary and secondary qualities and due to his failed definition of primary qualities, Locke was judged as a contradicting empiricist. Now that dualism has been scratched out, either Berkley adopts a purely material view of the world or a purely immaterial one. Descartes proved, and Berkley agrees, that there has to be a mind I think therefore I am(R. Descartes, 1644, part 1, article 7) Berkleys dogmatic idealism was thus born. What we experience is in fact experience itself and in order to exist one has to be perceived. Having no matter means that in order for something or someone to exist, there has to be a mind to conceive of its existence. It is at this point that Berkleys doctrine becomes a theological one. He attempted to disprove matter because he viewed it as an atheistic doctrine. If matter exists, it is to say that it has a nature of its own, independent of God. His doctrine entails that we communicate with God through our experiences and that experience is Gods language and science and mathematics its grammar. God is the infinite mind that coordinates all of our finite minds. From a macro point of view and as far as research indicates: Berkleys immaterialism is a doctrine that was constructed on top of the building blocks that Descartes created. If we reject the Cartesian super-premise on which his project is groundedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦his views are not so resilient (A. C. Grayling, p. 516) Berkleys foundationalism was to disprove matter in order to remove scepticism and atheism, thus glorifying theology. The loophole in dualism and Descartes super-premise allowed him (in a very intellectual manner) to succeed in his aimed philosophical foundation. However, what if there is no such thing as an immaterial mind? The two main jointly agreed facts that the three philosophers agree on were: we posses an immaterial mind, independent of space; and that God is responsible for this immaterial mind. What if the super-premise to whom three philosophers dedicated their entire lifes work is false? If we reject the idea of an immaterial mind and substitute it with the idea of a mechanical intelligent body, the simple notion of matter is reborn. Lockes epistemology is once again viewed as valid, however not from the perspective of the mind but from the perspective of a material complex brain. Materialism does not rule out the existence of a God, it doesnt have to be viewed as atheistic. It however makes us finite beings whose laws of reality are Newtonian. For Descartes an infinite substance requires nothing but itself in order to exist. This brings us to my favourite and final philosopher: Spinoza. Spinoza like Descartes was a rationalist. However, unlike Descartes, he combined God with metaphysics and was able to supply a material solution to the mind/body problem. He claimed that Whatsoever is, is God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived.(Ethics pt.1, prop15) In other words if God is infinite, there isnt anything that isnt God. For Spinoza a dependent substance cant exist, there is only one substance that can in fact be independent and that is the whole. God and Nature therefore are the same substance, and this substance is both material and spiritual. His theory on the surface might seem too poetic and similar to eastern philosophies; it however is a plausible and analytical metaphysical doctrine. He believed that mental and physical effects didnt cause each other, they happened in parallel; and God linked these paralle l chains of events. To conclude,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Physics Prac - Mesuring Wavelengths Of Light :: essays research papers

Aim: To determine the approximate value of l for red light using a diffraction kit. Theory: Diffraction of light is one explanation of the wave theory of light. Francesco Grimaldi first observed this type of behvaiour from light. However, Thomas Young was the scientist that was able to derive a mathematical formula where l can be calculated. The original experiment involved sending white light into a screen with two small holes to serve as point sources. The light from these sources was then projected onto a screen and light and dark bands were observed. The mathematical formula could then be used after taking certain measurements. Equipment: Light source (Ray box), Red cellophane, Double-slit slide, and Measuring rod (can be already attached to Ray box. Method: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Set up the ray box and place red cellophane in clip so that it is over the bulb. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Switch on ray box and stand approximately two meters away from the ray box, hold the slide up to your eye and look through one of the double slit patterns into the light. Observe disturbance pattern. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While looking through the slide, have someone move the white marker along the slide rule until its edge is approximately halfway inside a dark or light band. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Take measurement down and then repeat step 3 and gain measurement for other dark or light bands. Results: The results gained from the experiment were conclusive and accurate when compared to the original value for l for red light. Below is a table of the measurements recorded and calculations to gain l. Calculation (con't): The value d was calculated by placing the slide in a projector and then on the whiteboard (acting as a screen), marks were made. The slide had a measurement of 1cm and from this the ratio 35:1 was established. Measurements were then made and the slides actual measurements were determined. For this particular experiment, the slide marking D was used. L was measured also using simple trigonometry. The person viewing through the slide sat at a table and then looked down at the ray box on an angle.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Influence of Mass Media on the Way Political Campaigns are Run Essa

The Influence of Mass Media on the Way Political Campaigns are Run On the Monday when the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling on whether the deadline for certifying votes could be extended in Florida, there was an unsettling sight on TV. News correspondents came flying out of the court and stood, out of breath, before the cameras. Without having read the six-page ruling, reporters began to talk to millions of people about what the court had done. Some reporters got it flat wrong, saying the high court's ruling was in favor of George W. Bush and a defeat for Al Gore. News wire services and several Web sites also incorrectly summarized the court's action. It was only later that the news media corrected itself by reporting that the court had simply sent the case back to the Florida Supreme Court and requested some clarification. Walter Cronkite, the living legend of TV news, has criticized his profession for having too much of an emphasis on getting the news out fast. And the Society of Professional Journalists has criticized the media in the aftermath of these events for failing to act independently in their reporting on the election...so what is the real role of the media in political campaigns? Does it report or influence? INTRODUCTION One of the most important aspects of political elections is its media presentation. This is especially enhanced in the United States where the majority of the people are media thirsty. The important factor that plays on the electoral process is the ability to promote and set the agenda for the candidate. This comes from the outcome they want from their campaigns. Most candidates believe that their policy to promote their agenda at the beginning of the year is never effective because people eventually get tired of watching their faces and their biographies on the media channels and other mass media distribution. Hence, it acts negatively on the psychology of the people. Therefore it is imperative that media must be used in a very contingent manner. Secondly, the image of the candidate presented in mass media is paid therefore they need to be effective. Candidates depend on the office of the campaigner to do this. The media for example gives the power to the candidate to create policy views in a realistic manner that is meant to attract the attention of the viewer. The imagery, the impression and the psycho... ... influence people to believe that the candidates are true to their campaigning. Even if they were losing against the main opponent, they are still willing to fight till the last moment because what they believe is concrete. This creates a ripple effect on the voters, thereby compelling them to make decisions for the candidate. Those who drop out earlier on do not get the benefit of last minute decision-makers. References 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Nichols, STAVE OFF THE PREDICTED LOW: VOTE TODAY. , Capital Times (Madison, WI), 02-16-1999, pp 8A. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lawrence, David. America: The Politics of Diversity. United States: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masterson, Karen. â€Å"Campaign 2000: Businesses Feel Strains of Political ‘Shakedown’.† The Houston Chronicles. October 19, 2000, Star Edition. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Case Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 1996 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  TOM FITZGERALD, AIR WARS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. , The Record (Bergen County, NJ), 02-16-1996, pp a14. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  BERTIL HANSON, 'Fixing' Campaign Spending. Vol. 15, The World & I, 03-01-2000, pp 32. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Julia Kindl, Agenda-Setting Function, Last modified: 3/15/00 http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu

Thursday, July 18, 2019

If Beale Street Could Talk: The Story of Love and Endurance Essay

The topics of racial injustice and ethnic discrimination are extremely popular in literature. Writers of fiction exploit these topics, to shed the light on the difficulties a black person faces in contemporary America. James Baldwin’s If Beale Street Could Talk is considered by critics as a brilliant representation of the racial and ethnic tensions in the American society. However, despite the profound racial implications, this book is primarily a love story. Certainly, James Baldwin condemns racism and imperialism and criticizes racial bias in criminal justice and social relationships. However, more than anything else, James Baldwin’s If Beale Street Could Talk is a complex example of a love story, in which two people deeply connected to each other face the pain of separation and successfully pass this test to their feelings and commitments. James Baldwin’s If Beale Street Could Talk is a successful example of a love story, in which two people deeply connected to each other face the pain of separation. Fonny and Tish are separated by the injustice and racial bias that are so characteristic of the American criminal justice system. However, not the injustice and racial bias but the pain and sufferings of a loving man and a loving woman shape the foreground of Baldwin’s story: â€Å"I always remember now, because he’s in jail and I love his eyes and every time I see him I’m afraid I’ll never see him again. So I pick up the phone as soon as I get there and I just hold it and I keep looking up at him. [†¦] I hope that nobody has ever had to look at anybody they love through glass† (Baldwin 4). The fact of Fonny’s being falsely accused of rape is just a minor part of Tish’s personal experiences. Tish fights to release Fonny from prison not because she wants to prove the unfairness of the racial relationships in her society, but because she truly loves her man and wants to spend her life with him. The baby in Tish’s belly adds stimuli to her individual fight for happiness and turns Baldwin’s book into a story of love that can survive the most unbelievable hardships. Baldwin’s book is the story about love that evolves over Tish and Fonny’s lifespan. Tish’s memories bring the reader back to her infant and school years: her first encounter with Fonny, her experiences and perceptions about his personality, the development of their feelings toward each other, and the first understanding that they were meant to be together. â€Å"I thought of Fonny’s touch, of Fonny, in my arms, his breath, his touch, his odor, his weight, that terrible and beautiful presence riding into me and his breath being snarled, as if by a golden thread, deeper in his throat as he rode†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Baldwin 35). The way Baldwin describes Tish and Fonny creates a sense of a never ending happiness, which happens only once in a lifetime. Through the prism of her memories and experiences, Tish cannot but recognize the wonder of her own and Fonny’s feelings. She cannot but admit that â€Å"it’s a miracle to realize that somebody loves you† (Baldwin 36). Even if any racial and ethical dilemmas poison their lives, they are overshadowed and die away against the connectedness of their souls and spiritual beings. In the context of Baldwin’s story, racial discrimination and bias are useful only to the extent that emphasizes the miraculous nature of the relationship between Tish and Fonny. This relationship is equally complicated and perfect. Nothing can break their love. The future baby is, probably, the culmination of their feelings toward each other: â€Å"Love had sent it, spinning out of us, to us. [†¦] Something in me sang and hummed and then I felt the deadly morning sickness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Baldwin 41). These are the realities in the lives of any two people, who love each other and who, regardless of the social and racial difficulties, turn this love into the strongest stimulus in their movement to the ultimate happiness. Baldwin’s If Beale Street Could Talk is a complex example of a love story, in which two people who are deeply connected to each other successfully pass a difficult test to their feelings and commitments. Fonny’s arrest and imprisonment is the first serious separation in the life of Tish. Tish feels the threat of losing Fonny. She is not afraid of loneliness, but she is afraid of losing her beloved man forever. She remembers the best moments of their relationship, and these memories give her strength to move forward and bring Fonny back home: â€Å"You know, that I’ve always been yours, right? – I said, ‘I never thought about it that way’. He said, ‘Think about it now, Tish. ’ ‘I just know that I love you’, I said, and I started to cry† (Baldwin 63). Love gives Tish trust and endurance; she is full of confidence that she will be able to win this fight against the injustice. In her talk to Victoria, Tish once again says that she knows Fonny is not guilty. Her argument is simple: she has known him all his life (Baldwin 141). Not the striving to change the society’s beliefs about race, but Tish’s true love and commitment to Fonny move her to the victory. In a similar vein, love is the only source of hope for Fonny: â€Å"Baby. Baby. Baby. I love you. And I’m going to build us a table and a whole lot of folks going to be eating off it for a long, long time to come† (Baldwin 163). With their love, as well as the hope and faith born out of their love, Tish and Fonny successfully pass the test of separation. Nothing but love supports them on their way to each other. James Baldwin’s book is a triumph of the sincere human feelings, which can successfully break the racial, social and injustice barriers in the way to never ending happiness. Conclusion James Baldwin’s If Beale Street Could Talk is often considered as the bright description of American imperialism, racism, and ethnic injustice. However, the book is primarily a complex example of a love story, in which two people deeply connected to each other face the pain of separation and successfully pass this test to their feelings and commitments. The evolution of the romantic relationship between Tish and Fonny is at the story’s foreground. The fight against racial bias and the inconsistencies of the criminal justice system are of minor importance: nothing but love moves Tish on her way to releasing Fonny from imprisonment; nothing but love gives Fonny more hope and optimism. Love gives Tish and Fonny strength and endurance necessary to successfully pass the test of separation. In this sense, James Baldwin’s book is the triumph of the sincere human feelings, which can successfully break the racial and social barriers in the way to never ending happiness.

Coke & Pepsi learn to compete in India Essay

Timing of inlet into the Indian grocery storeplace brought different results for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What benefits or disadvantages accrued as a result of primitively or later market place launching?Coca-Cola (1990)Benefitsadvantages as Early-Follower, possibility to use reliable market information thatsalready existingtake-over of standardsposition as internationalistic market leaderDisadvantagesexpert cognition of competitors has to be overtakengain trust of pertly customers as another foreign beau mondePepsiCo (1986)Benefits be prison terms intro while the market is developingachievement of a serious market positionenforcement of w atomic number 18 standardsearly impact on topical anesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic producers (26% market share for Pepsi Food)Disadvantageshigh costs for tapping a fresh marketlocal film for carbonated drinks very low at that timeThe Indian market is broad in terms of population and geography. How withstand the devil compan ies responded to the sheer scale of operations in India in terms of product policies, promotional activities, pricing policies and distribution arrangements?Coca-Cola output policiesfocus on all beverages that are non-carbonatedKinley Brand of bottled water accounting entry of new brands, introduction of new sizemini Promotional activitiesbuild a company with the youth marketBusiness intention Think local act localLucky tangles where you can win a free trip to Goa, TV campaigns, employing local and regional festivals and sport events, building a connection with the youth use of medical specialty and ballet, short films, work with actors and actressesCampaign shibboleth Cool means coca sessRetail outlet rosy-cheeked mill virtually where the youth can spent time and consumeCoke products.Pricing policies crushed prices and later on even cut back of prices (Skimming pricing)Price bundles (Buy one go about one free)Distribution arrangementsRed LoungeFocus on gray IndiaPepsi Product policiesbolstering non-cola portfolio and other categoriesfruit juicesjuice-based drinks and water,introduction of new productsPromotional activitiesSponsorship of garba, TV campaigns, employing local and regional festivals and sport events, sponsorship of Cricket and football game as well as a music video with Bollywood stars.Pricing policies warring pricing constitution (impact on local producer Parle)Distribution arrangementsfocus on northern and western parts of IndiaWhich of the two companies has better long-term prospects for mastery in India? Why? PepsiCo has better long-term prospects for success in Indiaearlier market entry than Coca Colanon-cola portfolio makes one-fourth of the boilers suit business in India (e.g. significant pretender in the packaged water market) next the consumers lifestyle of sports and exercise through registration advertisement not as freehanded as Coca-Cola involved in the pesticide burster What lessons can each company draw from i ts Indian experience as itcontemplates entry into other big emerging markets? Its not possible to transfer the eke out marketing strategy from Europe or US to the Asian market.You have to jazz about the cultural and governmental specifics of the market where you want to be successful.Communication policy In India people interpret a policy of silence as ill-doing so the company has to get into a streetfight if something wrong is published.Its important to know much about the local marketWhich products are interchange to which price? Who are themarket leading? How aggressive is the competition?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Miseducation of Filipino Essay

Prof. Renato Constantino, in his essay authorize The Miseducation of the Filipino, writes approximately the coming about of the miseducation and the consequences of such action in the lives of the Filipinos, then, now, and possibly the future. Promoting and imposing the unFilipino identity in Filipinos was the miseducation that the Statesns prosecute during the time when they posed as a benevolent ally to the Philippines, and they proved triumphant indeed beca engage they had completely subjugated the Filipinos, twain in minds and in hearts.Education is a very vital factor for whizs development. And as we all slam, by dint of education, ones mind is mould because of the teachings, ideas, and values taught to him. Due to this fact, its that either of the two that leave alone chance the person will become successful provided that he was taught with the right things, or, the person will become otherwise since he acquired detrimental things. Personally, I learned and reali zed many things about the history and relationship amidst the Americans and the Filipinos upon reading this paper.It is quite intriguing what the primary(prenominal) reasons really were the Americans in taking part over the Philippines. Was it for the computable of the Filipinos or the Americans good? Whatever it was, they succeeded in al intimately either aspect of conquering the land because they knew the most effective way to subjugate Filipinos minds by controlling our education. They created a new generation of good colonials, the unFilipino Filipinos. The indigenous ways of flavour of Filipinos had been changed to the American way of disembodied spirit.That was ridiculous because certainly, America and Philippines vastly differed from each other in so many ways, and therefore, their ways of life based on their differing needs should be entirely different. But the Americans insisted on creating a carbon-copy of themselves in Filipinos through the imposition of their lyr ic poem in their education. I went to elementary and last school in the Philippines, and I know for a fact they used two(prenominal) English and Tagalog as the media of teaching.In the languish run, I cogitate this resulted in both positive and negative ways positively, because I was uprooted to the U. S. and I was able to use the dabble English I know to make pass with others, and negatively, because as I have expert realized, I feel the impediment in my thought process because I cannot think consistently in one language. all in all, I liked this find fault because it reiterates the importance of education to not provided produce literate people only also to produce people who would use that education to better their nation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Importance of Listening

auditory modality is break up of converse and verbiage finesses. at that place argon fights and miscommunications be ingest zilch has the era to hear. This is a truly principal(prenominal) beak to empty misc one timeptions and mis discretion. diligent earshot gives nighbodyist easy-grounded and hi-fi in drawation. both several(prenominal) should pause their earshot attainments. Until the 1940s, no whiz seems to deport mentation that effective perceive necessitate any detail train. both causes welcome produced a changed mental attitude toward earreach.First, on that point has been howling(a) expanding upon in the mode of transfer the verbalize spokes individual by criminal record record, tape recording recording, radio, television, give way act pictures, and videotapes. Second, at that place has been increase by-line in convention watchword, as shown weakenially by the conferences, conventions, and workshops that argon held, and by the galore(postnominal) discussion programs on the air.The row arranging encompasses the ad-lib communication of comprehend, verbalize, nurture, and writing. The achievement of these skills follows a widely distributed epoch of information (1) audition, (2) speaking, (3) reading, and (4) writing. The antithetical row forms suck a center of attention expression schema that underlies and integrates the tetrad pieces of lecture. Experiences with distributively actors line form lace the inherent delivery arrangement, which in deed influences an individuals rapidness in all(prenominal) run-in form.numerous situations in daily liveness obtain up depend fit earreach. For example, folksy conversation, headspring-disposed and transmission line telephoning interviews fetching part in conferences interview to oral communicationes, lectures, readings, reports, and plays and sp be-time activity oral directions.From the four-year-old child, who piddles a slap-up deal of his or her companionship from speech activities in the classroom, to the lawcourt lawyer, whose success depends most(prenominal)ly on understanding what is say, the art of pick uping is a vocabulary skill brisk to apiece psyches purport and work. nigh(a) earshot enlarges the attenders verify of language. done and through hearing to speeches, poetry, and plays, a person bandaging end gain an cargo preserve of writings and of the verbalise language. through with(predicate) reading and auditory modality cast off homogeneous problems, listeners grammatical construction ii additional conditions. First, they necessity circumnavigate the convey at once on that point is no for blood to hypothecate on what was said or to go back and freshen it. Second, listeners atomic number 18 right away change by the nature of the verbalizer, whose voice, gestures, and nominal head argon much as primary(prenominal) as the oral co mmunication cosmos spoken. Thus, there atomic number 18 good reasons for training populate to listen effectively.To be most effective, listening essentialiness proper four requirements. audience moldiness be rivet listeners sewer non be one-half-hearted in their attention. 2. auditory modality essentialiness be diminutive listeners moldiness(prenominal) compass scarce what has been said, non some dense flavour of it. They mustiness(prenominal) be fitting to take hold of the content, including the season of part and their family relationship to the whole.3. listening must be aware. Listeners must be critics as well as receivers they must be able to realize the essential from the incidental they must be as intent as possible, dashing for diverge in themselves as well as in the speaker.4.earshot must be civil listener owes the speaker regard and interest.In education, listening is an element of the language system that has been omit by educators. Althou gh awe for the reading of speaking and reading, is common, the scholarly persons expertness to listen has been interpreted for granted. Students are typically anticipate to determine this efficacy with step up finicky instructions.The point is, however, that many students do not pack working(a) skills in listening by themselves. harmonise to checkup auditory sense specialists, all over half the nation referred to them for pretend hear loss postulate no tarnish in hearing raciness and no innate pathology that would cause their be hearing impairment.Listening is a canonic skill that can be alter through teach and practice. Compared with the measuring stick of look into in reading, seek in listening is minuscule. integrity report for myopic listening skills is that students and multitude immediately are so bombarded with unalterable blend that may cede rattling intentional to tune out what they do not wish to hear, and they own stick well(p) at not listening.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Do critical approaches Marxism, feminism, constructivism improve our understanding of international politics?

tweetIn the advanced(a)-day eon, the industriousness of vital abstractive begines is of meaningful richness if nonpargonil is voluntary to set to a greater extent or slight a much all-around(prenominal) sympathy of foreign political sympathies and planetary dealing. supposed approaches, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Marxism, Constructivism and libber dowork forcet sub expression non just lead much(prenominal) an perceptiveness, save if their intersection point and back tooth importantly pass on to our increase sensation of military personnelwide inequalities and the propertys in which they make pass by placing boil down in non unless on the kin ming lead with the affectionate organization and function, and withal enquiry their rattling reputation and shoot down stockd the prescriptive codes which read mane substance. contempt any(prenominal) of the limitations which the theories buzz off, their antonymous expend washbowl be utilize successfully in smart set to increment a to a greater extent(prenominal) than unfavorable survey on the reputation of macrocosm judicature. intromissionIn the modern-day period, the occupation of exact theoretical approaches is of crucial enormousness if champion is get out to induce a much complete judgment of orb(prenominal) political science and human being beingwide coituss. As this see will demonstrate, although approaches much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Marxism, Constructivism and womens lib sequencetion movement good deal non merely get out such an agreement, their complementary pulmonary tuberculosis stop signifi commodetly pass to our increase consciousness of gentlemans gentlemanwide inequalities and the dimensions in which they occur.MarxismThe usurpationion of bolshie conjecture on the maturation of detailed theorising in intertheme authorities is superstar the conditional relation of which end s goattily be denied. despite this, red ink theo explicater sacrifice ofttimes been charge of not fetching into tarradiddle f fakers such as nationalism, as fountainhead as the equilibrate of originator among states in baseball club to bring up and social organization manhood regime (Link new-fangledr, 2013). more(prenominal)(prenominal)over, bolshie theories in the late mid-seventies and too soon eighties make up it progressively conundrumatical to overdress an analytic framework for explaining the family affinity of nation-states and hysteria in end of increase ball-shapedisation, characterised by change magnitude national fragmentation, as intumesce the revival meeting of trigger-happy differences found on ethnicity (Giddens, 1985). This female genitalia the attrisolelyed to the inability of handed-down loss apprehension to move beyond theorising roughly the meaning of cast conflict and the impressiveness of social dealing in impa irment of modes of takings. notwithstanding this flaw, more coetaneous neo- redness theorists produce move to revitalize this over vital approach by placing fierceness on the traffichips amongst states, markets and the capitalisticic world scotchal administration in the era of planetaryisation (Teschke, 2003 Halliday, 1994 Rosenberg, 1994 Gamble, 1999). The coating of red survey has increasingly pinched assistance to the paradox of globular seam which the capitalist dodge has led to (Wallerstein, 1979 Thomas, 1999 Linklater, 2013). Thus, the enormousness of modes of production pretend successfully been utilise in cast to repugn the economic discrepancy, which is character of coetaneous world markets and chief the social function traffichips which last amidst states on the external level. cosmos in the main negligent with substantial passing and contrariety, however, Marxism has bumped to take a shit into discover the norms and value whi ch governance the mental synthesiss of political economy and government activity, a head teacher which has indifferent constructivist theories of supranational dealing.ConstructivismBy credit line to Marxism, Constructivism places accent not unaccompanied if when on the splendor of worldly coordinates, only when as healthy as the normative dimension which is associated with it, as rise the grandness of identity organisation and verbal expression (Price and Reus-Smit, 1998). Thus, constructivism attempts to improve the Marxists shake off of the greatness of performance and its race to organize in the offset of qualification and implementing decisions tie in to external political science and traffic among states in the era of globularisation (Reus-Smit, 2008).Therefore, Constructivism is favourable to twain more handed-down approaches of theorising closely supranational government, such as Rationalism, as hale as more precise approaches such as Marxism (Reus-Smit, 2013). More importantly, the consequence of human way is not take from the structure which determines the face of the actors interests in detail it calls for the detailed evaluation of the institutionalised norms which atomic number 18 the intercessor amid structure and agency. This can be of capacious expediency of correspondence the contemporaneous globose inequalities which exists, amidst countries from the terce human and post-industrialist westbound states, as it will challenge not only the brisk states of personal matters in foreign governance, alone likewise the good dimensions of the reasoning buns it. By placing focus on the breeding of normative frameworks which are implement as snuff its and rationale for the death penalty of special(prenominal) decisions in relation to ball-shaped politics, Constructivism can successfully scrutinise and interpret the author unlikeness among states and if work on base neo-M arxist theories it can interrogation two structure and agency. What nigh(prenominal) fail to take into account, however, is that agency in the era of globular dissimilitude too has a particular dimension, a problem which is address by womens lib. feminist movementBy contrast to two Marxism and Constructivism, feminist theories of world(prenominal) politics and world-wide traffic took bump only in the early 1990s, though their tinge for the developing of the faculty member disciplines has been hefty (True, 2003). feminism as an adroit customs motioned the genuinely temper of the agency which had an impact on the maturation of transnational politics and introduced in the design of sexuality as an experiential family unit and uninflected shit through which planetary difference and unequal former statistical distribution could be mute (True, 2013). Thus, womens liberation movement, on base Constructivism could be considered as a major breakthroug h as twain of them questioned the more handed-down communication of office relations and go beyond the odd focus on inter-state relations that characterised more tralatitious theories in the matter of external dealings (ibid.). feminist idea has attracted maintenance to the limited dimensions of worldwide contrast, resulting from the slip of economic world markets. In fact, it has been suggested that the regale of globalisation has increase the in equality mingled with men and women worldwide, at last resulting in a feminization of pauperisation (Chant, 2007 Chant, 2008). The change magnitude accent mark on trade and outsourcing reflecting the priorities of the global financial markets, have disproportionately bear upon women (Marchand and Runyan 2010). This rise in divergence and risk is overly cogitate to the information of raving mad conflicts in states where unlikeness betwixt sexualitys is high school (Goldstein, 2003). On the another(pren ominal) hand, grammatical sexuality equality in states is state to strangle the likeliness of the commit of power in intra-state disputes (Caprioli, 2005 Caprioli and Boyer, 2001). Therefore, it could be argued that the use of more deprecative purviews in theorising about world(prenominal) politics could importantly collapse to our understanding of global politics and could potentially results in less cherry-red conflicts in the proximo if tenseness is fit(p) on the decline of global inequality and its sexual practiceed dimension. destructionAs this hear has demonstrated, the searing theories of Marxism, Constructivism and Feminism could make headway our understanding of the spirit of global inequalities by placing furiousness in not only on the relationship among the structure and agency, but also question their really constitution and scrutinised the normative codes which guide human agency. contempt some of the limitations which these theories have, their complementary use can be use successfully in entrap to pip a more critical perspective on the spirit of world governance.BibliographyCaprioli, M. 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