Thursday, December 26, 2019
An Analysis Of The Stanford Understudy Space Activity
OSM remains for Oligonucleotide Synthesizer intended for use in Microgravity, implying that its a gadget that makes discretionary DNA strands (of direct length) in space. Cool eh? Ive been taking a shot at this venture throughout the previous eight months with a brilliant group of kindred programmers as a feature of the Stanford Understudy Space Activity, and Id get a kick out of the chance to share what were doing, what weve effectively done, and where were going. Why space? All things considered, above all else, space is cool. Be that as it may, all the more genuinely, access to self-assertive DNA in space could quicken investigate in a plenty of fields, and the capacity to hereditarily design microbes to create substances (say†¦show more content†¦Whats more, one more note: DNA has two distinct finishes: a three prime (3†²) end and a five prime end (5†²). Oligonucleotide (Ah-li-go-new-klee-o-tide) Oligonucleotides are short DNA or RNA atoms and are super valuable when all is said in done research, hereditary testing, and bioengineering. The length of an oligo (short for oligonucleotide) is generally indicated as 30-mer or d30 on account of an oligo with 30 bases. How short does a strand of DNA must be to be viewed as an oligo? All things considered, back when we were†¦ suppose not very great at DNA union, oligonucleotides were immovably in the 2-50 territory. Be that as it may, with the appearance of phosphoramidite (an inorganic DNA union technique), oligonucleotides can run from 2-1000+ bases long. Homopolymer An oligonucleotide included just a single sort of base (eg AAAAAA instead of AGTCTG) is known as a homopolymer. Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase, ordinarily shortened to TdT, is a polymerase-like protein that can add self-assertive nucleotides to the 3†² end of a DNA strand when certain conditions are met. TdT can affix each of the four nucleotides however demonstrates an inclination for guanine (G) and cytosine (C). TdT can be discovered normally in youthful, pre-B, and pre-T lymphoid cells where it performs hereditary enhancement for our invulnerable frameworks by including bases onto the 3†² (three prime) end ofShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesfollowing classification of cases by subject matter to be helpful. I thank those of you who made this and other suggestions. Classification of Cases by Major Marketing Topics Topics Most Relevant Cases Marketing Research and Consumer Analysis Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, Google, Starbucks Product Starbucks, Nike, Coke/Pepsi, McDonald’s, Maytag, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Newell Rubbermaid, DaimlerChrysler, Kmart/Sears, Harley-Davidson, Boeing/Airbus, Merck, Boston Beer, Firestone/FordRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPreface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13 Psychology 14 †¢ Social Psychology 14 †¢ Sociology 14 †¢ Anthropology 14 There Are
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Awareness For Mental Health Illnesses - 1526 Words
My goal for this project was to raise awareness for mental health illnesses. I wanted to bring this sensitive, yet common, issue to light. The subject of mental illness is unfortunately a taboo in many cultures and those who suffer from the extreme cases are ignored or they do not receive the proper treatment. Our community unfortunately struggles with stigma related to mental illness and disclosure of such a sensitive topic. I wanted to get the students of AIS/ACP to understand that mental illnesses are very common in our community and we should always help those suffering. As of March 2014, I attended a 4 weekend, 16-hour course for Youth Mental Health and got certified in Mental Health First Aid. I have been trained to provide initial help to young people experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis, and substance use disorders. I was very fortunate to have Sr. Nassiba Cherif as my instructor and I stayed in touch with her even after the program. I was very interested in mental health, hence why I took the course. The course encouraged me to continue on the road of mental illnesses, and since I am already a certified first aider, I wondered why not spread my knowledge and raise awareness on this matter? As my sophomore year started, I was a tad confused about MYP as a whole, but thanks to Sr. Karina and Ms. Duso, they informed me about everything and in no time I started gathering information and writing in my journal. As I wasShow MoreRelatedThe Media Influences Public Attitude Essay1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe media, who influance the publics attitudes towards issues such as the mental health stigma, have the ability to determind individuals perceptions and opinions on important matters due to the way they present the information. For example if the media were trying to create a barrier between those with mental illnesses and those without this could easily be done by only publishing negative stories reguarding the situation. The Press Complaints Commission The press complaints commission (PCC), whichRead MoreMental Illnesses : A Mental Health Disorder1653 Words  | 7 PagesMental illnesses are brain diseases rooted in biology. Approximately one in every four adults has experienced a mental health disorder according to the Huffington Post. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) statistic identified mood disorders as the third most common cause for hospitalization in the U.S. for youth and adults. Mental illness compared to other chronic diseases is far more complicated and subjective. 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He declared: Nearly 44 million American adults, and millions of children, experience mental health conditions each year, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress. This month, we renew our commitment to ridding ourRead MoreThe Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On Individuals, Families And Society1109 Words  | 5 PagesMental illness is a leading cause of disability in Canada. All Canadians are likely to be indirectly affected through a mental illness in a family, friend or colleague. Statistics showed that 1 in 5 Canadians experiences a mental health or addiction problem. (Mental Illness and Addictions: Facts and Statistics, n.d.). This report will be focusing on one of the more common mental illness  bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a serious medical condition thatRead MoreMental Illness And Its Effects On Society1405 Words  | 6 Pagesstated, â€Å"Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed o f, but stigma and bias shame us all.†Mental illness comes with multiple influences towards the daily life of an individual. On one hand, these individuals must try to manage the symptoms that arise with their disease. Mental health disorders can affect the way individuals perform at their jobs, their social life, and even being able to live alone (Corrigan Penn, 1997). On the other hand, the way society tends to view mental illnesses leads toRead MoreMental Health Is The Largest Cause Of Disability1284 Words  | 6 PagesPoor mental health is the largest cause of disability and is connected with poor physical health, poor relationships, poor education and work prospects (Gov, 2014). Deinstitutionalisation in the 1950s led to community-based mental health and in turn brought a real but hidden issue of mental health into the visibility of the larger public sphere. Mental illness was a topic that was mostly treated only by individuals’ families and kept as a priva te matter and was off limits to outsiders apart fromRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Health Care Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesMental health issues have been an ongoing hot topic in this country for over a century. Though many strides have been made to increase awareness and lessen the stigma, there continues to be a barrier to mental health care, especially for our nations’ youth and young adults. I will be discussing the history behind mental health care, current policies regarding it, how the presence of stigma reduces the likelihood that youth and young adults are receiving the adequate mental health care they requireRead MoreThe Problem Of Mental Illness858 Words  | 4 Pages Forget all the stereotypes of mental illness. It has no face. It has no particular victim. Mental illness can affect an individual from any background and the black community is no exception. African Americans sometimes experience even more severe forms of mental health conditions because of unmet needs and barriers to treatment. According to the Office of Minority Health, African Americans are 20 percent more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population. That’sRead MoreCause and Treatment of Mental Illness807 Words  | 4 PagesRunning Head: Cause and treatment of mental illness Abstract This paper briefly talks about mental illnesses and what it entails. The paper will discuss my thoughts on mental illnesses as well as what exactly a mental illness is. I will begin telling where some of the stigma of someone suffering with a mental illness stems from. I will talk about how the media such as newspapers and national advertisements play a role in this stigma. I will give insight on some of the causes that may contribute
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Financial and Economic Literacy for Managers †Click on Solution
Question: 1. Explain the principles of business and financial economics in an international context2. Identify and explain the impact of governmental, monetary and economic policy on decision making in a business context.3. Describe and apply macro and micro concepts and models to business decision making.4. Interpret financial information (external and internal) and apply to decision making within a business context.5. Discuss the rationale and impact of decisions for business strategies to users and stakeholders.6. Examine and discuss the relationship between theory, application in business and financial economics in an international context. Answer: Introduction The expansions of financial services have resulted in increased focus on understanding financial systems and global markets. People often wonder how financial markets work and how they impact on the global economies. Understanding how firms and consumers behave in different markets setting, how capital markets operates and the financial decisions made to improve performances are important elements for financial and economic managers (Hein, 2013, p 9). Managers need to learn how to interpreted and apply financial information by understanding the decision making within the financial and capital markets and the types of financial instrument that are used in these market and how the market interact with the economy as a whole. Combining both the financial and economic elements will help manager develop a range of skills to improve the origination strategic decision making, planning, and risk management processes. Production process. The production process determines the economic well-being of a country; this implies that all economic activities are meant to satisfy human needs. During production, two features determine the economic well-being these include the price-quality ratio of goods and increased incomes. To understand a country's economy, we must know the three production process (Hax, 2013, p 709). The three classifications of production The three classification of production includes mass production, batch production, and job production. Production managers need to choose the appropriate methods for their business. The decision of choosing particular production type will be determined by the nature of the products and the quantity to be produced (Hax, 2013, p 710). Job production Using this type production, goods are to be produced within the specified standards and customers' instruction. Each type of product will vary in size and nature ad requires separate activities during production. Equipment will have to be adjusted in a way that suits the customer's specifications. Job production involves the period when the order is received up to the time the end product has been generated. During this process, the raw materials are gathered, and parts of the production component are assembled to produce the final product. For example a boat builder can receive an order to produce a yacht with specific features; on the other hand, a hairdresser can be requested to create a unique hairstyle for a special occasion Hax, 2013, p 713). Batch production: Batch production is also termed as repetitive production; this process involves producing the quantity known in advanced. The identical products are in batches, unlike job production. During batch production, a group of products generated at once and work is divided into different operational processes. Production is conducted in stages when one stage is complete it is passed on to the next stage to complete the product. Batch production is best suited for the production of confectionery, medicine, and food industry. During this process work will be divided into two different operations including completing the first batch before passing the batch to the net operation process (Hax, 2013, p 714). Mass or flow production Mass production is a process that involves the continuous production of product on a large scale. This involves selling in anticipation of future demands. Standardized products act as the basis for mass production; this means using standardized material and equipment for production. During mass production since the production if continuous it requires a proper sequence of operation. Mass production is best used for car manufacturing and fast food production because mass production involves the process of producing in large quantities at a lower cost per unit (Hax, 2013, p 715). Opportunity costs An opportune cost is a process of analyzing the benefits that one is likely to receive after choosing from various available options. In finance, the opportunity cost is used to measure the differences in returns to be received when one the investment and forgo the other. For example, if one invests in stocks that give a return of 2 percent over the year, placing the money in stock exchange the investor has given up the opportunity to invest in other available investment options. Investment option can be like buying government bonds that can generate 6 percent profit (Hein, et al., 2012, p 46). Evolution of the UK standard industrial classification (SIC) since 1948 The standard industrial classification is a system used in the UK for classifying industries using a four digit code. The system was first introduced in the UK in 1948 to classify business establishment by type of economic activity they engage in. This classification offers a framework for to proper collection, presentation and data analysis that promotes uniformity. The SIC can be used for administrative purposes to classify industrial activities into a common structure. This code enables investors to know about a company's existence (Hein, et al., 2012, p 65). The shift in the demand curve and the movement of the demand curve Product demand keeps on evolving due to certain factors, the demand at times can increase or decrease for specific products. Being aware of what a demand curve is and shifting which is the movement along the demand curve means that one can have a clue of the changes needed to implement to meet the market demands (Fukuda-Parr et al., 2013,p 8). According to the laws of demand when other things are equal the price of goods or services rises, the quantity demand falls and when the prices fall the demand increases. Therefore if there are any changes in prices, there will be a movement along the demand curve. An increase in price is marked as P1 results to P2 causing the change in quantity demand. Price changes do not shift the entire demand curve but only moves the curve from one point to the other as indicated in the diagrams below (Fukuda-Parr et al., 2013, p 11). Shift in the Demand Curve When the shift in the demand curve occurs, the entire demand curve will move to either left or right. For instance increase in income can be translated to mean that people can spend more even when the prices do not change. The shift of the demand curve to the right can be as a result of the increased price of a substitute good or when there is increase income among individuals. For instance, if there is an increase in prices of petrol the movement along demand curve will be noticed because the product will buy in small quantities. But in the long run, the curve may shift to the left due to people looking for alternatives (Fukuda-Parr et al., 2013, p 23). The income and substitution and the effect of an increase in price. The income effects analyze how changes in prices can affect consumer income and how much-increased income can result to low demands. The substitution effect is about increased in prices of good that encourages the consumer to look for alternative goods. The substitution effects are about the high process and consumer response. For example, if the prices of meat increases then higher prices might encourage the consumer to look for other options like vegetables, meaning that consumers are likely to avoid buying meat due to the income effects (Hein, 2013, p 5). 2. Two types of markets In business, markets can be defined using the product or the end consumers to both of these features. The common distinction of the market is between consumer and industrial markets. Consumer markets Products and services in this market are bought by individual for consumption these goods include fast moving goods like foodstuffs and durable goods like household items. Industrial market The industrial market involves selling goods among business enterprises .the goods are not directly produced for consumers. For example office furniture or selling raw material like steel. This can also include selling services like security and legal services (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4439). Public goods Public good is an item that is consumed by the society and can be consumed without necessarily reducing its availability. Public goods cannot be withheld from consumers. A dam is an example of public good. Economists refer to public goods as nonrivalrous and no excludable, meaning that people can benefit from using these goods without reducing its availability (Hax, 2013, p 711). Ways in which government intervenes in the market Due to the nature of markets, unequal distribution of resources is likely to affect the countries' Gross domestic product. Therefore, government intervention in markets is important to minimize inequalities in markets and also increase individual income. Government using its legislative arm formulates policies related to taxes, subsidies, and expenditure. Taxes can help regulate resource use some of these taxes include taxes to from import or export while pushing up domestic prices for imported product. This is meant to spur economic growth. (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4440). The government through the Federal Reserve uses specific policies to influence the economy. For example monetary, policies are a strategy to stimulate economic growth. Due of fear of inflation the central bank can incentivize businesses owners to borrow and spend faster. The government can also use open market operations; this process includes the central bank ensuring that money adequately circulates by buying and selling of treasury bills and bond or selling foreign currencies. (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4441). The key macroeconomic policy objectives that governments typically pursue Some of the key macroeconomic policy objective the government is likely to pursue to attempt to increase economic welfare includes price stability. Price stability is a strategy the government is likely to pursue to prevent economic fluctuation and also help in attaining a steady economic growth. Economic growth can be realized through labor force, capital formation or technological processes. The government can seek to achieve a higher economic growth over a long period to improve the living standard of its citizens. (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4442). The balance of payments equilibrium and exchange rate stability. The government would want to balance the flow of goods, assets, and service to remain stable. In situations when a country loses reserves, it might experience balance of payment deficit that is why the government is likely to prefer to build a substantial volume of foreign exchange reserves. Building a stable foreign exchange reserve ensures smooth flow of goods and services. (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4443). The government is likely to pursue the macroeconomic policy to attain some social objective; this means that the government will ensure that income distribution is more equitable. This strategy is likely to promote economic growth where resources are utilized effectively (Afonso and Sousa, 2012, p 4444). The circular flow of income The circular flow of income and spending indicate the connection between the different economic sectors. It shows how goods a services flow and the production factors between companies and households. After production of goods, the circular flow shows how income is generated according to production factors like land, or capital. Withdrawals are viewed as increases in relation to savings or taxes that reduce the circular flow of income. This process leads to multiple contractions of production. Injection into the circular flow is the added investment by government to boost the circular flow of income for expansion purposes (Hax, 2013, p 716). 3. The four major areas of finance The four major areas of finance include investment, cooperate finance, international finance, and financial institutions. The investment includes financial assets like stock and bonds. Financial institutions include banks like commercial and investment banks. Other institution includes insurance companies and brokerage firms. Hein, et al., 2012, p 53). International finance includes understanding how other countries economic activities enhance economic growth. This process involves understanding some of the international financial rules and regulations and how it might affect business processes. Corporate finance consists of understanding the financial activities that enable the corporation to run smoothly .these includes the department and their role in maximizing shareholder value. Hein, et al., 2012, p 58). The determinants of market interest rates Market interest rates are determined by the prices and duration, for example, the real risk-free rate is gained when there is no risk or uncertainty. Timing is the preference to spend whereby the interest rate will depend on if one decides to spend now or later. Some of the premiums include default risk premium; this occur when the borrower cannot make payment within the specified period. Premium, in this case, can be high or low depending on the worthiness of the credit (Chatziantoniou et al., 2013, p 754). Basic financial statements, including formats and purpose. The four types of the financial the statements include a statement of financial position also referred to as balance sheet. Balance sheet presents the financial status of a company. The income statement also known as the profit and loss statement presents the organization performance. Cash flow statement highlights the movement of cash and the balance remaining in a specific period. Some of the important activities in a cash flow statement include the operating activities, invsting activities and the financial activities. Statement of changes in equity helps companies to track its equity process over a given period (Hein, 2013, p 6). Marks and Spencer 2014 Annual Report financial statements According to Mark and Spencer annual financial statement, the liquid ratio of the company includes the current assets subtracted from the current liabilities Liquid ratio = current assets current liabilities 7,903.0 - 2,349.3= 5553.7 The liquid ratio of Mark and Spencer indicate that the company can pay its current liabilities when its due therefore the company can meet and pay its short-term debts (Marks and Spencer 2014, p 91). 4. Capital budgeting Capital budgeting is an important process because it creates accountability and measurable outcomes. If a business cannot measure the effectiveness of investment decision, the company is likely to fail in a competitive market environment. When investing, the decision process includes understanding the purpose, time; risks involved tool to be used to analyze its benefits and the process of monitoring and making necessary adjustments (Chatziantoniou et al., 2013, p 760). Understanding the purpose means why we want to invest, time is the period to achieve the purpose. The risk is analyzing certain barriers that might limit us from achieving our purpose investment. Tools are the financial products and the benefits, cost and the rules of use. Monitor and adjustment mean being proactive in monitoring and making changes where necessary (Chatziantoniou et al., 2013, p 761). Net present value (NPV) and investment NPV is an important tool used to make investment decisions because it will provide a clear picture on how the investment can add value to the company. Net present value can be used to acquire assets or for future capital projects. For example, a company can decide to open a new product line using NPV because it will help them project future cash inflows that cover the future costs related to starting and running the project (Hein et al., 2012, p 66). The yield curve and the interpretation of the different shapes yield curves are lines showing interest rate at a specific time on bonds having the same credit value and maturity date. The shape of the yield curves present, future interest rate changes in relation to economic activities. Iverted yield curve means that the long-term bonds may fall in relation to the economic recession. Therefore long maturity bond yields may have lower returns (Fukuda-Parr et al., 2013, p 29). If the required rate of return on these projects is 10 percent, which would be chosen and why? I would choose Project B because the cash flow indicates better yields in future compared to project A. If B project investment is at 50,000 and in five years generate a cash flow of 99,500, The cash flow annually will be at 99,500 50,000 = 49,500 Conclusion The above financial features are important in understanding how cash flow and expected returns on investment. Analyzing the economic elements and financial elements of a market has help managers make better investment decisions for future economic growth. Using different financial tools like financial statements and NPV managers can interpret the findings to make informed decisions on the financial and capital markets. References Afonso, A. and Sousa, R.M., 2012. The macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy. Applied Economics, 44(34), pp.4439-4454. Chatziantoniou, I., Duffy, D. and Filis, G., 2013. Stock market response to monetary and fiscal policy shocks: Multi-country evidence. Economic Modelling, 30, pp.754-769. Fukuda-Parr, S., Heintz, J. and Seguino, S., 2013. Critical perspectives on financial and economic crises: heterodox macroeconomics meets feminist economics. Feminist Economics, 19(3), pp.4-31. Hein, E., Truger, A. and van Treeck, T., 2012. The European financial and economic crisis: Alternative solutions from a (Post-) Keynesian perspective. In The Euro Crisis (pp. 35-78). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Hein, E., 2013. 1 Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises. Post-Keynesian Views of the Crisis and Its Remedies, p.15. Hax, A.C., 2013. Hierarchical production planning (pp. 708-716). Springer US. Marks and Spencer 2014. Annual Report financial statements.Retrived from :
Monday, December 2, 2019
Racisms Essays - Social Constructionism, Kinship And Descent
Racisms Kwame Anthony Appiah addresses the issues of racialism, intrinsic racism, and extrensic racism in his article entitled RACISMS. However, after analyzing Appiah's views on racism and its different forms, his views on the theoretical validity of racialism and extrinsic racism are seriously doubted. Appiah defines racialism as ?the view that there are essentail characteristics that allow us to classify people into distinct races, each of which shares certain traits and tendencies?. On this topic, Appiah thinks that this theory, or way of categorizing people is false. He thinks that it is merely an excuse for people to practice types of racism. Among the two most distinct types of racism are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic racism consists of people who differentiate morally between members of different races because they ?believe that each race has a different moral status, quite independent of the moral characteristics entailed by its racial essence.? For the intrinsic racist there is no moral, intellectual, cultural, or perhaps even physical trait or act in relevancy to a member of another race that would merit equal treament. Extrinsic racists make moral distinctions between members of other races because they believe that the racial essence entails certain morally relevant qualities. The extrinsic racist's discrimintation stems from the belief that different races are different genetically, and these genetic differences constitute different treatment and expectations. Even with evidence that states otherwise, evidence that points that a person of another race is intelligent, or noble, there is nothing that can deter the extrinsic racist's perceptions about those of another race. But, the extrinsic racist may in fact have friends or loved ones in that race.It is this belief that leads Appiah to believe that these individuals have a ?cognitive incapacity?, or an inability to reason. Appiah comments early on that racialism is a false concept, or view. His grounds for his claim is that it serves as a presupposition to two types of racism, extrinsic and intrinsic. However, he is only keeping in consideration a few results and purposes of racialism. When Appiah looks at racialism, he sees that it is a science that allows us to classify people into distinct races based on character traits and tendencies. In his perspective, this serves no further purpose but to validate racism, and that it is a concept that is false in theory. The truth of the matter is there are certain obvious differences based on race. Most apparent is skin color, and other physical characteristics like hair, eyes, lips, etc. That fact alone weakens Appiah's argument racialism is false. This weakens Appiah's argument because when he says that racialism is false in theory, part of what he saying that either there are no traits that allow us to classify people into races. Certain physical characteristics are evident in races and allows us to classify by race. The second part of Appiah's argument regarding racialism is that racialism also classifies on character tendencies originating from race. It is generally agreed that race had no create character tendencies, morals, and actions. However, race can indirectly play a role in the development of many characteristics. Race is becoming less of a factor as more and more people engage in racial mixed relationships. But it is a factor. Certain races are more inclined to be a part of certain cultures, with their own respective value systems. For instance, being born Chinese does not automatically make you good at kung-fu, give you more of a natural ability to draw, or a more respectable person. However, due to the history of the chinese, and the culture behind it their are certain traits that a chinese individual would be more likely to take on. Chinese may be more likey to draw well because of calligraphy, in which every word is basically a little picture. this obviously would help to develop control over the pen. The culture of the chinese has a very heavy influence on respecting one's parents and the elderly, which would undoubtably make older individuals seem more honorable or wise. So in that case, race does indeed have an impact on character tendencies and behavior. It shows that race can have a connection to culture and upbringing, which does relate to the type of person that will develop. This is where Appiah's theory that racialism is a presupposition to to racism comes into play. These cultural characteristics can easily be mistaken for racial characteristics. Also, none of these traits are absolute, or definate. Culture does not have the power to
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