Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Customer As Benefit A Positioning Strategy Marketing Essay
Customer As Benefit A Positioning Strategy Marketing Essay Positioning is to make happy consumers to perceive products and services and what strategies marketing adopt to reach this perceptual goal. Positioning strategies is very important for business in marketing sector. It can be performed from the object attributes, competition, application and the types of consumers involved, or the characteristics of the product class. All these attributes convey a separate direction in developing positioning strategies; it can create a favorable image in the minds of the consumers or audience. There are seven approaches to positioning strategies: 1. Using Product characteristics or Customer as benefit a positioning strategy: Product characteristics strategy originally focuses upon the characteristics of the product or customer benefits. Product characteristics can be durability, economy or reliability. Product quality is the main subject in this strategy. 2. Pricing as a positioning strategy: In this strategies depend on products quality and price. People want to get good quality in cheap price. 3. Positioning strategy based on Use or Application: When companies produce a product, in the same time they have to think about its alternative product. They need to make seasonal product also. 4. Positioning strategy based on Product Process: Product can be different by people choice. It depends on different types of fashion. Here same products need to present various ways. Product class can be several by people choice. 5. Positioning strategy based on Product Class: In this strategy product class need to make sure that critical positioning decisions. Here need similar types of product for its alternatives or substitute. 6. Positioning strategy based on Cultural Symbols: In this stage companies are trying to show that they respect culture and tradition. They use different types of goods that are no conflicted with culture. 7. Positioning strategy based on Competitors: In this type of positioning strategies, Companies are trying to stay in the market they try to make new brand as they can continue in the market and they can face other competitors. This strategy adopted because of competition. For every company positioning strategy is very effective. Every company should follow this strategy for their business. In the XCITE church, they could follow the 7 steps of positioning strategy. But they did not maintain positioning strategy. As a result the church could not afford to employ a full-time pastor and the church depended on volunteer workers. Unique positioning: Creating of awareness for a business, not-for-profit institution or association doesnt begin or finish with a mission statement. In fact, legation statements are a waste of time in todays world because they are singularly inward-looking and useless. Consciousness comes from a single peculiar positioning message that stimulates a conversation, and a spirit to know more. For unique positioning a unopposed and coercive positioning message is necessary because it sets apart from other competitors. To be successful, Companies must focus on one thing and be the best at it. The part of church service is to spread their service to people and welcome them to church. To increase churchs member and becoming more integrated within community, the following information may be of some help. Though by no means exhaustive, these are techniques that have worked for churches in the past, and which may work for community, as well. A Clear statements Make sure that convention has a clear statement of faith and the role it wants to take on in the community at large. A clear statement can help to find new member for community, and can help to draw new members to the church. The affection and compassion of Christ are endless, and endlessly shareable through community and brotherhood. It can help to make strong community. Charity Work The churchs services are involved with charity work. The church service is a great way to become more involved with the community. Try to make the church a resource for people who are interested in helping their community, whether theyre Christian or not. Gather information about them who are interested in charity and volunteer work. Community Events Community events are significant path to engage with the society and make neighborhood at the society. Youth Programs Young people can do any hard job easily. Teenagers are very curious about anything. Hiking, Skiing, and rock climbing trips, battles of the bands and camping retreats all provide opportunities for the youth nearest the church community to invite their friends of other faiths from the community at large to join in activities of friendship and togetherness. Working with other Religious Organizations working with other religious organizations can help to make partnership and friendship. Reach out to make friendships with church leaders of other denominations and faiths. Communication is often the first step creating a stronger and more unified neighborhood at the community. People in Need Some times church provides social services such as addicted and homeless people often receptive to spiritual guidance in a practical form. Also, single parents, in particular, are often in need of support and advice from their community, and your church has the opportunity to take a major role in the lives of such people and their children. The XCITE Church cannot maintain its unique positioning in the high competitive church market because the church had not enough resource to run their services properly. They had no full time pastor and also no musicians. The XCITE church had not own venue for their weekly services and run under a volunteer pastor. The church depends on international students and facing financial problem also. To continue churchs activity they need strong financial base but they had not enough wealth. On the other hand, other churchs had huge space for their weekly services and they added new services continuously to their menu. They added new food item on their food menu. The XCITE church had not unique positioning to run their services in the highly competitive church market. Reference List: Positioning Strategy. 2012. Positioning Strategy. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.marketing91.com/positioning-strategies/. [Accessed 07 October 2012]. The Importance of Positioning Strategy | Proteus B2B Marketing Blog. 2012. The Importance of Positioning Strategy | Proteus B2B Marketing Blog. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.proteusb2b.com/b2b-marketing-blog/index.php/positioning-strategy-b2b-marketing/. [Accessed 07 October 2012]. How to increase Church Membership. 2012. How to increase Church Membership. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.sharefaith.com/guide/church-business/increasing_church_membership.html. [Accessed 08 October 2012]. How to Increase Church Staff Without Spending a Dime by Ron Edmondson ChurchLeaders.com Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How Tos, and Free Resources. 2012. How to Increase Church Staff Without Spending a Dime by Ron Edmondson ChurchLeaders.com Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How Tos, and Free Resources. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.churchleaders.com/outreach-missions/outreach-missions-how-tos/157793-ron_edmondson_how_to_increase_church_staff_without_spending_a_dime_outreach.html. [Accessed 08 October 2012]. Unique Positioning in One Sentence | David Henderson author, journalist, communications strategist. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.davidhenderson.com/2009/04/16/unique-positioning-in-a-sentence/. [Accessed 10 October 2012]. The key challenges faced by XCITE church The XCITE church faced some challenges. The first challenge was financial crisis. They could not spend more money for its operating cost. They had not own venue so they had to rent venue for their weekly services and the church spent huge money on its promotional materials. Church had to struggle for covering the operational cost. Most of the church members are student thats why they could not donate properly to the church. They had to depend on non members for their church activities. As church had financial crisis so they could not employ a full-time pastor. They dependent on volunteer pastor but weekdays he was not available at all. The pastor could not obey his duty properly. Members could not meet pastor when they need so some members were leaving the church. As a result the quality of churchs service goes down. During exam time student cannot co-operate properly due to their study loads also semester break same happened on the church. The XCITE church had limited element such a s pastoral care, hospitality and music systems. So the people cannot attend to their churchs ministries. Other main problems are to face XCITE church that is in the church-business they had competitors at the same area. Other competitors had huge space and many facilities. XCITE church caters for only university students but other church can arrange cater for families, students, elderly and children. To overcome from this key challenges XCITE church can apply SWOT analysis system. SWOT analysis system SWOT stands for strengths(S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T). An overview of the four factors (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is given below- Strengths Strengths are the abilities that enable to accomplish to the organizations target. Strengths can be tangible or intangible. These are what well-versed in or what expertise in the organization, the attachments and qualities individually or team and the distinct features that give to organization for its patience. Strengths are the beneficial appearances of the organization or the efficiencies of an organization, that includes process capabilities, human competencies, products and services, customer goodwill, financial resources, and brand loyalty. For the examples of strengths are broad product line, huge financial resources, no debt, committed employees, etc. If XCITE church can manage its financial condition they could solve the problem. The church had not enough money thats why it faces problem to maintain its operational cost. Weaknesses Weaknesses are the abilities that prevent from accomplishing to the mission and achieving its full potential. These weaknesses collapse influences on the organizational success and growth. For weaknesses of an organization may be faced depreciating machinery, insufficient research and development facilities, narrow product range, and poor decision-making problems. Weaknesses are manageable. Weaknesses must be minimized and eliminated form organization. The church had not full-time pastor. XCITE church had not enough materials. They depend on students only. Opportunities Opportunities are dedicated by the environment within an organization operates. Opportunities are arisen when an organization planning to increase its business range in this situation employ can take benefit of conditions in its environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable as they can prove their ability. Organizations also can gain competitive advantage by making use of opportunities in their farm or industries. Opportunities may emerge from industry/market competition, government and technology. Increasing demand for service opportunities may be arise and employ can prove their skills to the authority. If the XCITE church could accept people from their community and arrange competition to young people who wants to work as volunteer worker for the church could make opportunities for young eople. XCITE church could add some opportunities to their volunteer workers. Church could add cater for families, students, elders, children. They can arrange Sunday school for kids and nice music also. Threats When a company or organization established in their own business and getting more profit then threats-Threats may arise. Threats are uncontrollable. Any times it can create for business. When a threat comes, the durability and uplift can be at stake. For the examples of threats are increasing competitions leading to excess capacity, unrest among employees, changing technology, price wars and reducing industry profits, etc. XCITE churchs main threats are other huge church and their special services. SWOT Analysis take steps about information that helps in the firms resources and capabilities with the competitive environment. If XCITE church applies SWOT analysis to its operation it can solve its all limitations. It will be effective for XCITE church. The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in church situational analysis. Assessing churchs strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting for church. References SWOT Analysis Definition, Advantages and Limitations. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.managementstudyguide.com/swot-analysis.htm. [Accessed 09 October 2012]. SWOT Analysis Strategy Tools from MindTools.com . 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm. [Accessed 08 October 2012]. If I would the pastor of XCITE church I would follow the first strategic option. I would continue focusing on university students because I believe Young people can do everything. They have energy to do hard job and they are fresh. To find additional sources of income I would apply marketing mix strategy. To face the challenges I would apply extended marketing mix known as 7 ps. Marketing mix Marketing mix strategy is about achieving marketing objectives through proper analysis of the 7 Ps or elements of marketing. 7 Ps are: Product XCITE churchs product is their service. Everyday church should add extra offer and need to compare services with other churchs service. Product should be significant from others product. Church should offer its products or service at all in the current market place. Prices The second P in the formula is price. Develop the habit of continually examining and reexamining the prices of the products and services church sell to make sure theyre still appropriate to the realities of the current market. Sometimes church need to lower prices. At other times, it may be appropriate to raise its price. Many companies have found that the profitability of certain products or services doesnt justify the amount of effort and resources that go into producing them. Occasionally churchs needed to change its terms and conditions for sale and need to package sale. Promotion The third habit in marketing and sales is to think in terms of promotion all the time. Promotion includes all the ways to tell customers about the products or services and how market and sell to them. Only for promotion sale can be raised dramatically. Even small changes in advertising can lead immediately to higher sales. For publicity posters and lift let can be distributed. Place The fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where the product or service is actually sold. Develop the habit of reviewing and reflecting upon the exact location where the customer meets. The XCITE churchs need specific place for its weekly program. As they can rent this place for various purpose. People People are an essential ingredient in service provision; recruiting and training the right staff is required to create a competitive advantage. Customers make judgments about service provision and delivery based on the people representing in an organization. This is because people are one of the few elements of the service that customers can see and interact with. Process This element of the marketing mix looks at the systems used to deliver the service. Imagine. An efficient service is needed to make faster process. How quickly and better services they can be provided. Physical evidence Physical evidence is about where the service is being delivered from. It is particularly relevant to retailers operating out of shops. This element of the marketing mix will distinguish a company from its competitors. Physical evidence can be used to charge a premium price for a service and establish a positive experience. All the church provide same service but need to know about their charge and neat and clean environment. Marketing mix for a service has additional elements because the characteristics of a service are different to the characteristics of a product. To certain extent managing services are more complicated then managing products, products can be standardized, to standardize a service is more difficult as there it can be affected by factors outside the service providers control. If I would the pastor of XCITE church I would apply this marketing mix to my church for additional source of income. I think this strategy would be better option for the church.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
browning :: essays research papers
Barrett Browning was one of the most brilliant poets of the Victorian Age. She was born in 1809 in London, England and was raised with an excellent classical school education. In her early teens she showed great signs of a genius. Many of her poems were written before she was just fifteen years of age. By looking at Elisabeth Barrett Browning she was delicate, but inside this fragile woman there was a superior spiritual and mental being. Browning’s first publication of poems written was â€Å"Essay On Mind, And Other Poems†. In 1846 at the age of thirty-seven she married her soul mate noted English poet, Robert Browning.      As of all great poets life experiences are a large basis of inspiration in their works. Throughout the chapter of her life tragedy and health woes surrounded Browning. She had a blood vessel burst in her lungs and this forced her to stay confined home for an extended period of time. To better her healing process her doctor recommended her to move to a warmer climate. She relocated to Torquay, England and while she was there her brother and two of his friends drowned in a boating accident. This horrific accident had a profound effect on Browning and provided a hue of thought as well as feeling to her poetry.      Truly understanding the personal history of Browning enables one to read her poetry and understand her being. After reading dozens of her poems all of them stood out and it was very difficult to just focus on five poems. I will discuss â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†first. I came across the various sonnets in this piece a decade ago and believe her works to be one of the most romantic poems of all times. Browning wrote â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†during the time she first met her husband and one can not help get the impression that it was likely dedicated to him. The love that was blossoming in her heart inspired her to write this literary masterpiece. Browning had various inspirations for her works especially Shakespeare’s spirit. â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†and many of her other works where written in Petrarchan sonnets. Petrarchan sonnets in general are characteristically treat its theme in two parts. The octave, ei ght lines state a problem, express emotional problem, or even ask a question. The sestet, six lines, generally resolves the problem, relieves tensions, or answers the unknown question. browning :: essays research papers Barrett Browning was one of the most brilliant poets of the Victorian Age. She was born in 1809 in London, England and was raised with an excellent classical school education. In her early teens she showed great signs of a genius. Many of her poems were written before she was just fifteen years of age. By looking at Elisabeth Barrett Browning she was delicate, but inside this fragile woman there was a superior spiritual and mental being. Browning’s first publication of poems written was â€Å"Essay On Mind, And Other Poems†. In 1846 at the age of thirty-seven she married her soul mate noted English poet, Robert Browning.      As of all great poets life experiences are a large basis of inspiration in their works. Throughout the chapter of her life tragedy and health woes surrounded Browning. She had a blood vessel burst in her lungs and this forced her to stay confined home for an extended period of time. To better her healing process her doctor recommended her to move to a warmer climate. She relocated to Torquay, England and while she was there her brother and two of his friends drowned in a boating accident. This horrific accident had a profound effect on Browning and provided a hue of thought as well as feeling to her poetry.      Truly understanding the personal history of Browning enables one to read her poetry and understand her being. After reading dozens of her poems all of them stood out and it was very difficult to just focus on five poems. I will discuss â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†first. I came across the various sonnets in this piece a decade ago and believe her works to be one of the most romantic poems of all times. Browning wrote â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†during the time she first met her husband and one can not help get the impression that it was likely dedicated to him. The love that was blossoming in her heart inspired her to write this literary masterpiece. Browning had various inspirations for her works especially Shakespeare’s spirit. â€Å"Sonnets From The Portuguese†and many of her other works where written in Petrarchan sonnets. Petrarchan sonnets in general are characteristically treat its theme in two parts. The octave, ei ght lines state a problem, express emotional problem, or even ask a question. The sestet, six lines, generally resolves the problem, relieves tensions, or answers the unknown question.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Tragedy and the Common Man in Hamlet
Katelyn Stoll Professor Hall English 102 11 November 2009 â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man†in Hamlet Arthur Miller notes that, â€Å"The tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thingâ€â€his sense of personal dignity†(1). This characteristic seen in most tragedies is definitely evident in the character of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The moment that Hamlet learns from the ghost that Claudius has committed regicide, his goal becomes clear: he has to avenge the death of his father by murdering his uncle. Hamlet could not stand idly by while the assassin of his saintly father had an affair with his mother Gertrude and lied to the people of Denmark. However, Hamlet’s tragic flaw prevents him from taking action quickly. During the course of the play, the prince notes that he has yet to perform any action against his uncle Claudius, and he wonders why this is. The character of Hamlet is prone to reasoning and long soliloquies, not action; this, in my opinion, is his tragic flaw. The apparition of the late Hamlet informs his son that Claudius, the current king of Denmark, poisoned him. Upon hearing the news, Hamlet is enraged and swears to take revenge against his usurping uncle. Almost immediately he is ready to lay down his life to correct what has been done, and he now has a â€Å"†¦willingness to throw all he has into the contest, the battle to secure his rightful place in his world†(3). It is at this moment in the play that Hamlet takes on the role of the familiar tragic hero and acts accordingly. He was displaced from the life that he knew and loved and was not awarded with his rightful position in society. Hamlet should be the king of Denmark if what the ghost told him is true; not only is Hamlet not the king of Denmark, but also his mental health is constantly being called into question. He is losing ranks in society awfully quickly, and part of Arthur Miller’s definition of the tragic hero is that the hero strives to evaluate himself justly. His tragic flaw does not allow him to regain his personal dignity, however, and Hamlet becomes frustrated over time because of this. He either takes too much time thinking everything through, or he reacts impulsively and violently when the situation does not call for it. This is seen when Hamlet accidentally stabs Polonius to death, thinking him to be a spy. His tragic flaw is not knowing when or how to act aggressively, and it really costs him in the end. According to Miller, â€Å"For, if it is true to say that in essence the tragic hero is intent upon claiming his whole due as a personality, and if this struggle must be total and without reservation, then it automatically demonstrates the indestructible will of man to achieve his humanity†(4). He argues that the tragic play has a lot more to offer the spectator than just a sad or unfortunate ending. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet concludes with the deaths of Gertrude, Laertes, Hamlet and Claudius. The point of this play, however, is not that four people died, but that Hamlet was finally able to avenge the death of his father. Although this was not a perfect victory for Hamlet, he was able to attain his goals, and this demonstrates the will of man (even the common man) to secure his sense of personal dignity. The thrust for freedom is the quality in tragedy which exalts†(3). The conclusion of Hamlet is both a wonderful and depressing one. In one sense, Hamlet is not a tragic hero, because he was able to overcome his tragic flaw and slay Claudius. In another more realistic sense, however, he perfectly fits the description of the tragic hero because he does not live long enough to see the benefits of his actions. Hamlet is never able to evaluate himself justly, and that was his main objective. In the tragic view the need of man to wholly realize himself is the only fixed star, and whatever it is that hedges his nature and lowers it is ripe for attack and examination†(3). Hamlet perfectly adheres to the definition of the tragic hero of Arthur Miller, because of his need to regain his personal dignity, his tragic flaw preventing him for achieving this, and a tragic ending in which his goals are never realized. Works Cited â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man by Arthur Miller. †Home Page of TheLiteraryLink, Dr. Janice Patten. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. .
Friday, January 3, 2020
Business - Influences on Operations - 1108 Words
Specimen Paper 2012 How does an understanding of the influences on operations contribute to business success? Executive Summary: Qantas is Australia’s largest domestic and international airline. Although Qantas is primarily a passenger airline, air freight is also an integral part of its core business. Other Qantas operations include catering, tourism and E-commerce devoted to transport and travel. In order to have an effective business and operations process, a company, like Qantas must be aware of the influences that can affect it. By being aware of the influences it enables the business to make decision and choices that can get the most out of each influence, by doing this it can assist the business in its endeavours for success.†¦show more content†¦Cost minimisation however, cannot be pursued without attention to quality - there must be a balance between the two Government Policies –All businesses operating in Australia are subject to policies applied by the three different levels of government - local, state, and federal. Government policies have a big impact on Qantas. For example their economic policies (monetary, fiscal policy) have a direct impact of the level of economic activity and therefore demand for its service. The federal government’s new policy the Fair Work Act is a lot more pro worker which has increased Qantas’ operating costs. All businesses must be aware and understand all government policies in order that they are abiding by the law. Legal regulation – The aim of government regulation of business is to promote safety and fair business conduct. To remain in operation, a business like Qantas must comply with these regulations. Penalties for non-compliance can be severe. Examples include, Qantas is subject to the regulatory control of Civil Aviation Authority and is required to hold operating licences, State government regulations on labour such as OHamp;S, anti-discrimination, workers compensation etc. Being in the food industry it is critical that McDonalds meet and go beyond the food safety laws; that include food being cooked and stored at the right temperatures and the correct food handling procedures. EnvironmentalShow MoreRelatedBusiness Studies Influences on Operations Function1356 Words  | 6 PagesBusiness Studies Essay; Explain how the influences on operations can affect the management of the operations function. A business has many influences that provide a duel effect on its operations. 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