Friday, May 31, 2019
Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? :: History Clinton Scandal Essays
Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? The chair of the united States block judge by encouraging Monica Lewinsky to file a false affidavit in the case of Jones v. Clinton. Then he committed grand jury lying under oath when he stated that he told Ms. Lewinsky she might be able to avoid testifying in the case by filing an affidavit. He also obstructed justice by allowing his attorney to use this false affidavit in an attempt to cut off a legitimate line of questioning during his deposition. He indeed lied ab appear this block before the grand jury. The President still denies he broke the law. He knows, however, that as soon as he does withstand this then its all over for him. Personally I think the President did break the law. But is it worth sacrificing the wellbeing of the nation over this? Do we really want to look our kids in the eye and tell them that the nations economy was ruined over the Presidents penis? How could this impeachment be good for the unsophistica ted? Is it somehow going to make the country stronger for people to see that even the President is not above the law. Every day people see cops mending tickets, judges fixing tickets, politicians getting the children of their friends off the hook when they screwed up and there be hundreds of other ways people in this country avoid the consequences of the law. Americans are used to washing each others backs and looking the other way. Yet now the President cant get away with exposing himself without being charged with obstruction of justice. Its down right scary to think the President of the wealthiest country in the world doesnt have enough pull to get out of this. I submit that O.J. Simpson got away with killing two people and with a mountain of evidence against him. So if you cant trust this Democratic President who can you trust? Certainly not the Republicans, they said Hey Bill just admit wrong doing and all will be forgiven but that obviously was a lie. Now the war against th e two parties has taken on a new ferocity. The next thing you know neither side can trust the other. come to this as a hypothetical senario. Tensions build between the two groups, a Democrat bombs the Republican headquarters, the Republicans retaliate, and hard lines are drawn in our country.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Freedom and Authoritarianism :: essays research papers
independence and AuthoritarianismFreedom and equality are intertwined with one another. Freedom is defined as the custom of being free, semipolitical independence, and the monomania of civil rights. When reflecting upon the history of the twentieth century many great deal all over the world were not afforded the luxury of being born with liberty or born with equal rights. In most cases, those people were a lot oppressed or subjugated by various forms of systematic state sponsored monocracy and terror. In order to receive the freedom necessary to survive and the equality required to live a happy and successful life the oppressed people had to blast action. Often quantify the action took on various forms such as, revolts or nonviolent campaigns. Because the governments reliance on authoritarianism and terror to control their citizens, often times revolts and/or nonviolent campaigns were the consequence. Therefore, any advances towards gaining freedom and equality cannot happe n without some form of systematic state-sponsored authoritarianism and terror taking place first. It is no meeting of minds because the two phenomena are linked.As mentioned before, any gains toward freedom and equality coexist with authoritarianism and terror maintained by the government. Emma Goldman, an anarchist, speaks of freedom, in Victims of Morality, just now believes that devotion is the main factor hindering the growth of that freedom. Goldman uses the term morality when referencing religion. Goldman believes that morality is paralyzing to the minds and hearts of the people. She also believes that morality abilitys people to become conformists during the process of argument and the achievement of daily tasks, by ignoring their true inner thoughts and feelings. Therefore, Goldman believes that morality restricts peoples happiness and freedom by shutting out love, light, and joy from the lives of innumerable victims. As a result, Goldman does not believe that moralit y will help eradicate the ills of society. Goldmans views involving religion and freedom differ from those of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s views involving that alike topic.In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail, his belief was that any gains toward freedom and equality could not happen without the use of beau ideals will and the influence of Christian values. Dr. King Jr. believed that Christianity and his faith in God would help eradicate the many injustices in society. A manoeuvre force in Dr. King Jr.s nonviolent protest were the principles dear to the Christian faith, in which, the need to fight injustices against people was on of them.Freedom and Authoritarianism essays research papers Freedom and AuthoritarianismFreedom and equality are intertwined with one another. Freedom is defined as the custom of being free, political independence, and the possession of civil rights. When reflecting upon the history of the twentieth century many people all over th e world were not afforded the luxury of being born with freedom or born with equal rights. In most cases, those people were often oppressed or subjugated by various forms of systematic state sponsored authoritarianism and terror. In order to receive the freedom necessary to survive and the equality required to live a happy and successful life the oppressed people had to take action. Often times the action took on various forms such as, revolts or nonviolent campaigns. Because the governments reliance on authoritarianism and terror to control their citizens, often times revolts and/or nonviolent campaigns were the consequence. Therefore, any advances towards gaining freedom and equality cannot happen without some form of systematic state-sponsored authoritarianism and terror taking place first. It is no coincidence because the two phenomena are linked.As mentioned before, any gains toward freedom and equality coexist with authoritarianism and terror maintained by the government. Emma Goldman, an anarchist, speaks of freedom, in Victims of Morality, but believes that religion is the main factor hindering the growth of that freedom. Goldman uses the term morality when referencing religion. Goldman believes that morality is paralyzing to the minds and hearts of the people. She also believes that morality forces people to become conformists during the process of reasoning and the completion of daily tasks, by ignoring their true inner thoughts and feelings. Therefore, Goldman believes that morality restricts peoples happiness and freedom by shutting out love, light, and joy from the lives of innumerable victims. As a result, Goldman does not believe that morality will help eradicate the ills of society. Goldmans views involving religion and freedom differ from those of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s views involving that same topic.In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail, his belief was that any gains toward freedom and equality could not happen with out the use of Gods will and the influence of Christian values. Dr. King Jr. believed that Christianity and his faith in God would help eradicate the many injustices in society. A guiding force in Dr. King Jr.s nonviolent protest were the principles dear to the Christian faith, in which, the need to fight injustices against people was on of them.
Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts Essay -- essays research papers
Assignment III-B Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts.In Belgium there is a different post mortem organ gift law than in The Netherlands, although they both have the same main purpose they seek to increase the supply of donors. In Belgium it is presumed that each citizen has consented to the harvest of organs succeeding(a) death unless an objection to such a harvest was recorded, an opt-out system. Belgium combines presumed consent with a practice of inquiring into the wishes of the next of kin. One advantage of presumed consent is that there is no need to refer to drivers licenses or donor cards, which may not be carried at the relevant time. Another is that distraught family members do not need to top a positive decision to approve harvest. The patient has been able to record their objection, if any, during their lifetime, so the decision to do so will have rested with them and doctors are spared the difficult task of asking for consent. The decision whether or not to object was that of the patient made in a reas aced manner and cannot be upturned by family (1).In The Netherlands each citizen is given the opportunity to indicate whether or not they are willing to donate their organs in the event of their death, or whether they would prefer to leave the decision to their relatives, a full decision system. General consent may be given for the removal of organs and tissues, or one may withhold consent in relation to certain parts of the body. The Organ Donation Ac...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
How To Make A Webpage :: essays research papers
How To Make A WebpageFor my science project I chose to create a sack (internet) page, dealingwith science. This project consists of using a computer and a hypertext markup language editor tocreate a page that can be found on the internet. The next paragraph will explainhow to make an internet page.The steps to making a vane page to post on the internet, is very easy. just about web pages are made in a code c anyed html, which is what I am using to makemy science web page. Html is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. Thehtml codes are very easy to use, and remember. If you want to spice up your webpage, you whitethorn want to use a nonher code called, Java. The word Java is not anacronym, it comes from its maker, Sun Technologies, which is a tremendouslyhuge company that deals with web page making and the internet. Java enables youto pick up those neat scrolling words at the bottom of your web browser, and theother neat moving things that you may find in web pages around the net. Anothercode to spice up your web page would be cgi. Cgi stands for Common GatewayInterface, it is used to submit information on the internet. You can get a bookat your local library that contains how to use html, java, and cgi. You straight off needto select one of the many programs that allow you to make a web page, using html,java, and cgi. Once you find this program, you may now start to inclose your html,java, and cgi coordinates. After long hours of work you may now test your webpage, depending on the program you are using, there is usually a button that youmay press that enables you to look at the web page you have made. After revisingand checking your web page, it is time to place it on the internet. To do this,you may have to contact your internet provider, and ask them if they allow theircustomers to place internet documents on their world wide web server. Once youhave it on the net, tell all your friends about it so you can get traffic onyour page, and maybe one da y, you will win an award for it, and all that work
In School Suspension :: Discipline Punishment Education Essays
In School Suspension On my first day at Dunn Middle School, I learned that I had the gifted and talented classes, and assumed that discipline would be no problem for me. There was minimal chatter and the students seemed bore to learn. When I walked in on the second day, my co-op handed me a sheet of paper with the rests listed. This floored me, the infractions included fighting and sexual harassment. Over the contiguous few weeks I saw that both out of prepare and in school suspensions were given a lot. Students who are disruptive in class and refused to do their work were sent down to discipline where they received the consequences for their actions. More often than not, in school suspension was the end result. The concept of in school suspension was new to me because it was not something that I had seen when I was growing up. Discipline has always been an issue that has plagued education. Troublesome students take a leak always been a source of di sturbances and distractions. Many school have implemented an in school suspension (ISS) program to combat the disruptiveness of problem students. These programs aim to remove students from the classroom while guardianship them in an educational setting. By keeping the students within the school they are still able to be monitored to ensure that they are still getting their work done and keeping up with the class. Also, by having them out of the class, the environment becomes more learning friendly to the students who do not cause trouble. According to Claiborne Winborne, a writer for Educational Leadership, keeping suspended students at school but isolated from other students - makes more sense and is more effective than giving them a vacation away from school. (King William County, 466) By definition, in school suspension is a program to which a student is assigned because of disruptive behavior for a specific amount of time. (Effective Program, 156) Ma ny schools that have in school suspension programs have a zero-tolerance policy. This deters bad behavior by having swift and serious consequences for breaking school rules.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Van Gogh :: essays research papers
Insanity of an Artist Vincent William Vah van van Gogh , currently a world known artist , current of air a depressing life and only sold 1 painting during his lifetime . He was born on March 30, 1853 in Groot Zundert, Netherlands. The new wave Goghs family consist of Theodorus Van Gogh (The father) ,Anna Cornelia Carbentus (The mother) ,Theo Van Gogh (The younger brother) ,Elizabeth Van Gogh (The sister),and finally Vincent Van Gogh (The older brother) .Van Goghs birth came one year to the day after his mother gave birth to a first ,stillborn child also named Vincent. From the time when Vincent was ten , until he was cardinal , he attended King Willem II Secondary school in Tilburg until he later quit his studies and he was fifth teen. When a Sixteen-year-old Vincent Van Gogh joined the firm Goupil & Cie, a firm of art Dealers in The Hague. Vincent was relatively successful a s an art dealer ,he stayed with them for seven more years. He transferred to the London branch of the company when he was 20 ,and he would stay for two year and because transfer to Paris for a year and then came back to London. At 23, Vincent van Gogh had a truly religious transformation . Although raised in a religious family, it wasnt until this time that he severely began to consider devoting his life to the Church. Within prayer meetings Van Gogh would speak at the parish of Turnham Green. As a Minister Vincent was enthusiastic about his prospects , but lacked a gripping and passionate delivery, also his sermons were somewhat lackluster and lifeless. Vincent decided being a minister wasnt for him and so he chose his final career which was an artist. The artist starts by applying for study at the Ecole Des Beaux-Art in Burssels. Van Gogh was rejected from the Ecole Des beaux-art school. So, after a while, Vincent began to study by himself with art books for samples. Then, a 28 years old , Van Gogh moved back in with his parents while studying. During Van Goghs stay with his Parents in Netherlands, he met his first cousin Cornelia Adriana Vos-Stricker (her nickname was "Kee"), he fell in love with Kee and he was devastated when she rejected his advances. After a family arugement and conflict with Kees parent Van Gogh was humiliated when it was over. Vincent Van Gogh met Clasina Maria Hoornik (her Nickname was "Sien") when he was 29, in The Hague and Vincent became very devoted to Sien and her child.
Van Gogh :: essays research papers
Insanity of an Artist Vincent William Vah van Gogh , currently a world cognise machinationist , lead a depressing life and only sold 1 painting during his life judgment of conviction . He was born on March 30, 1853 in Groot Zundert, Netherlands. The Van Goghs family consist of Theodorus Van Gogh (The father) ,Anna Cornelia Carbentus (The mother) ,Theo Van Gogh (The younger brother) ,Elizabeth Van Gogh (The sister),and finally Vincent Van Gogh (The senior brother) .Van Goghs birth came one year to the day after his mother gave birth to a first ,stillborn child also named Vincent. From the time when Vincent was disco biscuit , until he was twelve , he attended King Willem II Secondary school in Tilburg until he later quit his studies and he was fifth teen. When a Sixteen-year-old Vincent Van Gogh joined the firm Goupil & Cie, a firm of art Dealers in The Hague. Vincent was rel atively successful as an art dealer ,he stayed with them for cardinal more years. He transferred to the London branch of the company when he was 20 ,and he would stay for two year and then transfer to Paris for a year and then came back to London. At 23, Vincent van Gogh had a truly religious transformation . Although raised in a religious family, it wasnt until this time that he seriously began to consider devoting his life to the Church. Within prayer meetings Van Gogh would speak at the parish of Turnham Green. As a Minister Vincent was enthusiastic about his prospects , but lacked a gripping and passionate delivery, also his sermons were somewhat lackluster and lifeless. Vincent decided being a minister wasnt for him and so he chose his final travel which was an artist. The artist starts by applying for study at the Ecole Des Beaux-Art in Burssels. Van Gogh was rejected from the Ecole Des beaux-art school. So, after a while, V incent began to study by himself with art books for samples. Then, a 28 years old , Van Gogh moved back in with his parents while studying. During Van Goghs stay with his Parents in Netherlands, he met his cousin Cornelia Adriana Vos-Stricker (her nickname was "Kee"), he fell in love with Kee and he was devastated when she rejected his advances. After a family arugement and conflict with Kees parent Van Gogh was humiliated when it was over. Vincent Van Gogh met Clasina Maria Hoornik (her Nickname was "Sien") when he was 29, in The Hague and Vincent became very devoted to Sien and her child.
Monday, May 27, 2019
American Utopias
Utopia is a perfect place, for some it is an attempt to realize heaven here on earth. For Sir doubting Thomas Mores Utopia, it is a fictional island in the Atlantic Ocean with a perfect social, legal and political system. Several utopian ideas arose in the narration of mankind, they may slightly differ from each other, unless they are similar in the effort to create a perfect society.In the Statesn History, the communal hunting expedition in the 16th century to 17th century, and the similar attempt to establish the Utopian America of the 1960s to 1970s, was both a response to the social ills brought roughly by the development of capitalism and commercialism. While the communal movement of the 16th century can trace its roots from atomic number 63, the Utopian movement of the 1960s was homegrown with the relatively young members of the population leading the way. Both, however, have the similar vision of establishing a perfect community of harmony and brotherly love.While Utopia n experiments in Europe were made as far back as the early 16th century, such as the Paris Commune or the Fouriesrist Phalanxes, it was only in America that the Europeans were successful in their attempt to found their New Jeruzalem characterized with idealism, zeal and moral fervor (Mizrach). former(a) Christian communists in Europe, propelled by the belief that America was a place free guile, deception and corruption, had decided to withdraw from the perceived sinful and corrupt world to establish new communities.Most of these communities saw themselves as islands of redemption in a world of temptation, sin and avarice (Mizrach). This belief in America as the new world where further proliferated by the famous literary writers of that period such as Thomas More in his Utopia and Francis Bacon in New Atlantis that suggested America was heir to the traditions of the first civilization, Atlantis, and a new philosophic continent in spite of appearance whose outlines lay modernity and freedom (Mizrach). The nearly interesting of these communities were founded in the 17th and early 18th centuries.Included here are those known as the Woman in the Wilderness founded by German Pietist in 1694, The Ireneia founded by Moravians in 1695, the Bohemia Manor founded by the Labadists in 1683, the Ephrata Cloister founded by Sabbatarians in 1732, Bethlehem founded by Anabaptists in 1740 and the financial backing Lebanon founded by the Skaers in 1787 (Mizrach). All of these communities share the common feature of being founded by sects who at that time were considered as heretical by the Lutheran or the Calvinist Protestant Churches of Germany and Central Europe.Most of these also were located or founded around Pennsylvania which was Wiliam Penns Quaker experiment of toleration. Another feature of this communities were most of the members are European migrants who followed a charismatic founder. The Utopian American of the 60s and 70s flourished in about the same time when industrialization was in full swing. Soon after the World War II, the American economy prospered but it left many young people feeling estranged and isolated.While the older generation who grew up during the expectant Depression was focused on material accumulation, the young people felt there was something missing in their lives (Meunier 1994). The dissatisfaction with capitalism grew and many young adults expressed this through with(predicate) their rejection of materialism and renewed interest in apparitionality (Meunier 1994). Aside from this, the technological advances of this period made young people feel detached from their environment.The same advances that produced the atomic bomb and the television made the people feel that they are not in control or beyond understanding their environment (Meunier 1994). The political view of this period also added to the propagation of the communal movement. The Vietnam War was not favored by majority of the American people and yet i t dragged on. Aside from this, the Watergate scandal, the assassination of chairperson John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King further lead to the disillusionment of young people.It was a combination of all this political, social and economic factors that brought the young people from Haight-Ashbury movement of vaticinator psychedelia and politically defiant college students together to flee to rural utopian communes in attempt to escape the Establishment and take control of their own physical, cultural and spiritual environment (Meunier 1994). Known to some as the flower people or the hippies, the people who lived in communes in the 1960s were often stereotype as those who practiced free love and drug experimentation.The primary purpose of communal living in the late 1960s and early 1970s was to create a society where person to person relations is the core of existence, promoting greater intimacy and fuller human development (Meunier 1994). It rejects the established order of capi talism of competitiveness and performance and turns to unity and cooperative work. People living in communes pool their resources and work together and the emphasis is no longer placed on competing for material goods but instead on friendship and family (Meunier 1994).The communes formed during the 1960s and 1970s were mostly in rural areas where people sought to return to the land. Agriculture made them self-sustaining and growing of food gave them a feeling of connection with each other and with the land. The search for a perfect society for both movements who happens to be centuries apart is are founded on similar assumptions of bringing change from the unrest and alienation that human beings felt as the society develops.Perhaps the utopian ideal will not finish as humans have the intrinsic need to commune, and that even the modern man sought for solace, peace and brotherhood. BIBLIOGRAPHY Meunier, Rachel. Communal Living in the Late 60s and Early 70s. Human Issues Project. 17 December 1994. Mizrach, Steve. The Symbolic Invention of America-as-Utopia. Academentia Website.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Estonia Gender Problems Essay
Throughout history, women hold up constantly strugg lead for equal rights. However, even after women squander gained increased equating in legion(predicate) countries, sex activity in comparability til now exists on an international scale. The European country Estonia, in particular, faces a noticeably greater gap in the midst of mens and womens rights in comparison with its European neighbors. Despite the Estonian Gender Equality Law passed in 2004, sexism and gender stereotypes atomic number 18 still largely prevalent in Estonias government and society. The problem of gender disparity has negatively impacted Estonian women in economic, social, and political aspects of life in Estonia.One major result of gender inequality is the limiting of economic opportunities for women. Because of traditional gender stereotypes, Estonian women atomic number 18 believed to be less valuable in the workplace than men. This form of sexism has heavily impacted the ability of women to obtain and maintain employment and salary in the 1990s womens unemployment exceeded that of men (38.3% of women and 24.7% of men) (Erickson 278). In increment to the high unemployment rate for women, Estonias pay gap (the difference between men and womens wages for the same job) is currently the highest in Europe women are paid over 30% less than men for the same profession (Domsch 73). Since Estonian women are economically disadvantaged by unfair employment and salary, many women are forced to become economically dependent on their husbands or fathers. Overall, Estonias large pay gap reflects its economic sexism and the detrimental effects of gender inequality on women.Gender inequality in Estonia has also led to social impairment against women. Since Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union, gender roles have been deep established into Estonian society. These gender roles dictate what women are allowed to do and what small spheres of influence they have on economics, government, and politics. Gender roles have also inevitably led to sexism The relationship between men and women on a societal level represents relationship with unequal power distribution, where men dominate and women are subordinated or under-represented in most spheres of life. (Morten para. 6). The social dominance of men stems from Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union in 1940.During this period, Estonias once Western attitudes and views on gender equality shifted to Soviet-centered beliefs, which emphasized the importance of submissive women who served men. Although the Soviet Union often used feminist propaganda to encourage women to work, women were frequently treated unfairly at home and in society. The gender roles established during the Soviet Union era continue to play a major role in Estonias society today. Gender inequality is prevalent in both the household, where men are expected to exert dominance over their wives, and in social gatherings, where womens opinions are held in land esteem (Domsch 148). In summary, gender inequality in Estonia has led to social discrimination against women.Another major result of gender inequality is the political prejudice that Estonian women face. After World War II, a period in which Estonia was politically and economically run by women due to a lack of men, the communistic Party reestablished men in the ruling bodies of Estonia. During this period, Estonian women were removed from politics and their political power was undermined. Very recently, some attempts have been make to solve the political gender inequality problem. In 2004, the government passed the Gender Equality Act to ensure that women had equal political power and economic stability (Domsch 127). However, many of the rights guaranteed in the Gender Equality Act were pre-existent in the Constitution of Estonia. In practice, women have yet to see true equality in political or economic aspects.For example, a recent study showed that roughly 8% of Estoni an government positions are held by women, while only 20% of parliament members are women (Morten para. 4). The small percentage of women in Estonias government directly reflects on the sexism in Estonian politics. Estonias male and female populations, though equal in size, are not equally politically represented, as shown by the clearly imbalanced gender ratio in their government. Overall, although small steps have been made toward gender equity, sexism and gender inequality are still widely extant, and have led to comparatively less political empowerment for Estonian women.Although womens rights have been improved internationally, many countries still face challenges in establishing true gender equality. Estonia currently faces significant problems for women in many major aspects of society. Originating from Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union after World War II, gender stereotypes have negatively affected Estonian women to this day. With one of the largest pay gaps betwe en men and women in Europe, Estonia has a significantly imbalanced gender ratio for employment. Furthermore, sexism has also led to the diminished social and political power of women in Estonian society. Despite the recent improvements that have been made by the Estonian government in the past decade, the economic, social, and political opportunities of Estonian women are still severely limited by gender inequality.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Study on Group Theory and Learning
It is app bent that the definition of a chemical group has non been agreed on by just about bookmans. As most state to a great extent emphasize on the common ends or the mutuality of its members, offering a unobjective definition. In solely this changing analysis, it is agreed that groups are made up of ii or more persons.The definition of group offered by Brown ( 2000, p.3 ) a group exits when two or more people define themselves as members of it and its being is re bangd by at least one some other . classs expect existed and evolved with adult male and are seldom without issues. Groups all around the universe are confronted with similar issues, irrespective of its geographical location. Most of these issues may originate in the forming and ramping phases of group formation ( Bruce Wayne Tuckman, phases of group break upment ) , though some of these issues may besides harvest up in the latter phases of the group.T here(predicate) are many another(prenominal) different t heories of how people learn. Burns ( 1995, p99 ) conceives of produceing as a comparatively lasting alteration in behavior with behavior including some(prenominal) discernible activity and interior(a) procedures such as conception, attitudes and emotions. It is apparent that motivating has been included in Burns definition of larning. Burns considers that larning might non attest itself in discernible behavior until quondam(prenominal) after the educational plan has taken topographic render.Harmonizing to Kolb ( 1995 ) , people learn in four ways with the likeliness of developing one sort of larning more than another. He said one foundation larn throughconcrete experienceobservation and contemplationabstract conceptualizationactive sampleationThe thought that people learn in different ways has been explored by many research sounders. Honey and Mumford ( 1986 cited in McGill & A Beaty 1995 p.177 ) edifice on Kolb s draw, identify four larning mannersActivist ( enjoys th e experience itself ) ,Reflector ( spends a great trade of clip and attempt reflecting )Theorist ( good at doing connexions and abstracting thoughts from experience )Pragmatist ( enjoys the preparation phase )Motivation Has to make with a set of independent variables blood that explain the way, aptitude and continuity of an person s behavior, keeping changeless the in-person effects of aptitude, accomplishment and apprehension of the undertaking, and restraints runing in the environment. ( Campbell and Pritc stern 1976 ) .It is believed that the demand and motivation of a individual is what pushes him /her to act in a certain manner. Therefore an person s ends and aspirations in life can function as a determiner in the manner the individual be absorbs. However this ends and aspirations differ from one individual to the other.Harmonizing to Buchanan and Huczynski ( 2004 ) reason can be explored in three distinguishable positions viz. ends, determinations and influence.Goals serve as the chief motivation of our behavior. Therefore the ends and aspirations or what a individual wants to accomplish depart do an person to act in a certain mode to accomplish that peculiar end. E.g. If a individual wants to go a medical atomic number 101 in future that individuals behaviour and political orientations forget all be geared towards the accomplishment of this peculiar end.Decisions the second on the perspective list negotiations close why we choose to prosecute certain ends. For case if we should take the MBA category as an illustration and inquire what motivates each pupil to analyze, it will involvement you to cognize that we will acquire many replies. For some pupils it is the expected takings that they will acquire after their class like earthly concernity, pay rise etc. for other pupils it could be the position acknowledgment of acquiring alphabets at the terminal of their names, whiles others derive satisfaction from larning or wonder. This is what is bein g described as the Cognitive determination devise procedures act uponing an person s split of ends.The 3rd on the perspective list is that of influence which discourses nigh what and how to actuate an person to give out harder here phrase is laid on societal influence.WHAT MOTIVATED ME TO STUDY A MASTERS DEGREE AT BANGOR.Working for Vodafone, a telecommunication company, I had the chance to work with the operations director, a adult male who had attained his Masters in Business Administration. Under his supervising, he demonstrated a high degree of public presentation which was obviously seen in his structured flaming to determination devising. He approached new challenges that confronted him in a strategical mode and executed undertakings efficaciously by achieving ends from company processs and procedures. I fork up since so been motivated by the worth of managerial cognition and accomplishments that where displayed by the operations director, animating me to offer a have student ground floor in Business Administration.In explicating my motive in the visible radiation of Vroom s anticipation theory, with the underlying subject which states that motive depends on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to acquire it Griffin and Moorhe ( 2007, p.98 ) and which revolves around the three cardinal variables of valency ( the value of the expected wages ) , anticipation ( the believe that attempt will take to public presentation ) and instrumentality ( the believe that the public presentation will take to a envy result ) .In detecting the operations director my first reaction was to derive such managerial accomplishments and I knew I had a sensible luck of accomplishing it. In using the three variables ( valency, instrumentality and anticipation ) I believed that my attempts to inscribe in a maestro s grade will give to the advance of Masterss in concern disposal and comprehending that there was a high chance that the Masterss i n concern disposal will ensue in geting the managerial accomplishments.In malice of the utility in utilizing Vroom s anticipation theory to explicate motive, harmonizing to Griffin and Moore ( 2007 ) it has been to a great extent criticized about its complexness and how hard it is to prove. moreover research workers find the singingship among its variables less scientific, doing it hard to look into. Another short approach of this theory is that it non applicable in topographic points where people think God causes the result of every single behavior. Example Muslim states.However, I think the theory has been really utile in explicating the construct of motive and besides giving directors really of import guidelines in understanding the employee and how he can be motivated.As it is justly said by Nicol Morgan ( Granfell Investment counselling ) motive is non about money, it was about making an environment in which people enjoyed working .The motive to offer my Masterss in Bangor University out of a host of Universities both in The United land and The United States of America, Bangor offered an first-class repute as a Centre for concern surveies, by chalking success in the 2008 UK authorities s Research Assessment Exercise, by puting foremost.It besides proved to be a universe category research Centre and a staff with strong internationalist experience all packaged in an enabling environment for attainment.In regard to Herzberg s motivator-hygiene theory, Bangor University was able to fulfill my hygiene demands by offering elemental installations such as a school library, stocked with up- to- day of the month academic resources, adjustment installations for international pupils and besides supplying a safe accomplishment environment.The proviso of such installations did non actuate me, but instead prevented me from being dissatisfied, cognizing that such installations are available in most Universities. My motive to analyze at Bangor came near when the university met my higher degrees demands, by turn outing to be a universe category research Centre, been among the extremely graded concern schools in the UK and supplying a really international instruction staff, to assist derive cognition and experience all over the universe from a wider position.This is shown in the diagram belowA ) HYGIENE FACTORS1. Library Facility2. ACCOMODATION FACILITIES3. SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTBangorUniversity1. HIGHLY RANKED2. WORLD CLASS RESEARCH3. INTERNATIONAL STAFF B ) Incentive( DZANIE 2010 )Like any other theory, Herzberg two factor theory has besides suffered unfavorable judgments. Harmonizing to Mullins ( 2005 ) the theory is said to use least to persons with unskilled occupations which are humdrum in range. As they are those who largely present direction with issues of motive. Nevertheless I believe the theory has been utile in understanding motive non merely in the work topographic point but besides to our day-to-day lives.MY Approach TO LEAR NINGMy larning attack to surveies has chiefly been the memorisation of facts, without associating the cognition acquired to any experience. From my secondary school through to my undergrad survey, I have ever been a surface scholar. Where the chief focal point was merely to follow what the course of study demanded. This learning manner was rather effectual because in my educational life accent was laid much more on closed cease scrutiny than giving out regular assignments.However, in a different acquisition environment and more particularly in my Masters degree taking a deep acquisition attack will be good. Though hard, holding been a surface scholar, seting down my old theoretical account of larning to a deep scholar will in endure an active mesh in the class work, obtaining a practical apprehension of theories and constructs and holding a critical head set in work outing jobs. All these properties of a deep scholar will develop and fit me with the necessary accomplishments to a ssociate my acquired cognition in MBA to the of all time increase challenges in the corporate universe.Second, my pick of being a deep scholar is farther change by the undermentioned factors a ) The teacher pupil relationshipThe larning relationship between talks and their pupils have a dominating influence on how pupils approach larning. For illustration in a acquisition establishment where instructors do non put much accent on assignments and instead stress more on closed ended appraisals, pupils are likely to a adopt a surface attack to larning. A survey conducted by Kember as cited in Tight et Al, ( 2009 ) on how Asiatic pupils learn, showed that the pupils approach to larning was consistent with the appraising demands of pupils by their instructors. In my experience of larning at the undergraduate surveies, lectors require pupils to memorise talk notes and to regurgitate the words of the lector in their concluding tests, obliging most pupils to prosecute in surface acquisition . This attack to larning in the local idiom is termed chaw, pour, base on balls and forget .Deciding to take a deep attack to acquisition was influenced by the instructor pupil relationship in Bangor University.Lectureres in the University require pupils to prosecute in a deep degree of acquisition, associating theory to existent life experiences, measuring and analysing theories and constructs to do intending out of it, as against merely the memorisation and reproduction of talk notes.B ) The work burden of classsProsecuting in a deep acquisition attack is influenced by my cognition of work involved in each class. In their analysis Entwistle & A Ramsden ( 1983 ) as cited in Tight et Al, ( 2009 ) established that pupils are likely to prosecute in surface, strategic or deep acquisition, depending on the grade of work burden that is accompanied with the class. A surface larning attack is adopted when pupils perceive a high grade of work burden in their classs, as there is no clip t o prosecute in deep acquisition. A relevant illustration will be the decrease of the concern faculties from 12 to eight. school-age childs might hold been barond to prosecute in surface or strategic acquisition because of the of all time increasing work load from their classs, go forthing them with small or no clip to prosecute in deep acquisition. A restructure of the class this academic year have reduced the work load well, and this will give me the clip and chance to prosecute in deep Celsius ) The learning establishmentFurthermore my attack is progressively shaped by the learning establishment. I.e. Bangor University. As it is justly said by californium Barnett ( 1990 cited in Tight et Al, 2009, p.12 ) The features of deep attack to larn can be seen to reflect what are by and large held to be purposes of higher instruction . During the initiation subdivision held by the University of Bangor, pupils were briefed by senior lectors about what is expected of them by the University. Students were advised and encouraged to prosecute in critical thought, avoid doing premises and analyze an statement, looking for failing in the arguement.Also pupils where asked non to reproduce talk notes or regurgitate what the talk has said, a feature of surface acquisition, but instead pulling from other beginnings like relevant text books and academic diaries and most significantly abstaining from illicitly copying some 1s work as yours, an act of plagiarism.The University has hence put in topographic point constructions to promote deep attack to acquisition by supplying the necessary academic resources such as the library, entree to internet and diaries to enable pupils to prosecute in serious academic work by being deep scholars and non surface scholar.In a nutshell, my determination to a deep acquisition attack can be illustrated in Ramsden ( 2003 ) Student larning in context diagram.My orientation to larningMy old educational experience as a surface scholar.The context of larning in the new environment1. Opened ended appraisal.2. Synergistic lectors.The acquisition result is long term memory and holistic apprehension of the class2.My determination to follow a Deep Approach to eruditenessMy perceptual experience of the work burden, what is required of me as a pupil from the Lecturers and Bangor University( DZANIE 2010 )ISSUES ANTICIPATED IN THE GROUP WORK AND SOLUTIONSOne peculiar issue I bode in the group work is the difference in the acquisition manners among group members. Forming a group with a high grade of single diverseness, will certainly amount to a different attack to acquisition and acquisition manners, which is normally influenced by civilization background and the larning environment they came from.Group members may be absorbing, suiting, diverging or meeting scholars and may be given to lend their attempt more expeditiously if acquisition is directed to their advantage. This was made apparent when I engaged in a n experiment carried out by Professor Sally Sambrook in an attempt to place the acquisition manners of her pupils utilizing Kolb s learning manner. I noticed that my learning manner was different in comparism to those of my friends as everyone s learning manner differed from the other.However, in turn toing the issue of difference in larning manners. Group members should be assigned to undertakings in relation to 1s larning style/capabilities in order to acquire the best out of the person. Unifying a given undertaking with a individual larning manner penchant will give a positive consequence and hence increasing group efficiency. For illustration members who are diverges are bettor in making new thoughts and assemblage of information. Delegating a undertaking related to research will be best tailored to their learning manner, thereby giving their upper limit end product to the group.Second, group members are bound to prosecute in societal idleness. Social idleness occurs when a gr oup member pretends to lend to the activities or attempt of the group. And this is normally seeable at the executing phase of group formation, where the undertaking and the aims of the group are good defined. An experiment conducted by Max Ringelmann ( 1913 ) as cited in Brown ( 2000 ) on societal idleness, asked a group of agribusiness pupils to draw a rope connected to a ergometer to enter the force exerted by the group. He thought that the bigger the size of the group the greater the force it exerted, he subsequently discovered that the force did nt increase proportionally with the size of the group. In consequence there were others in the group who put small attempt or none at all when drawing the rope. This behavior I anticipate in the group work, an attitude that is damaging to the effectivity of the group.However issues of societal idleness are best communicate by increasing the identifiability of group members. It is improbable to happen members prosecuting in societal idle ness when they know they are been ascertained and evaluated separately, a instance of the Hawthorne consequence, when people tend to act otherwise when they know they are been observed. This will increase engagement of single members every bit good as the productiveness of the group. Pulling from my personal experiences with groups, I have noticed that comparatively big groups are normally the genteelness land for societal buming.Keeping a ample group in relation to the undertaking at manus with a clear division of labor in the group can minimise societal idleness.Despite the legion challenges approach in group work, workings in groups have proved to be effectual non merely in accomplishing group ends but besides has the inclination to develop the person. Working in groups can instil into the single certain properties such as a sense of duty through the division of labor, where group members are assigned undertaking. For illustration after a long period of working in groups in my u ndergraduate survey I realised that I have improved upon my communicating accomplishments an property that is necessary in the corporate universe.In add-on, prosecuting in group work particularly in a higher acquisition establishment, can fit a individual with a critical mentality in the reading and rating of academic stuffs, a mark of rational development.DecisionTo reason, this quiz has identified my motive as triggered by both the worth of managerial accomplishments displayed by the operations director, which was clearly elaborated in Expectancy Theory and the academician excellence of Bangor University utilizing Herzberg s incentive and hygiene theory. It has besides highlighted my attack as a deep scholar coming into a new acquisition environment, which is strengthened by the instructor pupil relationship, work load and the learning establishment.And eventually the issues I anticipate in the group to be difference in larning manner and societal idleness.REFRENCESBass, Bernard ( 1990 ) . From transactional to transformational leading acquisition to portion the vision. Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 18, Issue 3, Winter, 1990, 19-31.Beardwell, J. & A , Claydon, T. ( 2007 ) Human Resource management.5th edition.Spain Pearson Education Limited.Brown, R. ( 2000 ) Group Process.2nd edn.Reprint, England Blackwell publication, 2004.Forsyth, D.R. ( 2009 ) Group Dynamics. 5th edn.Google books Online .Available at hypertext shift protocol // ( Accessed 29 October 2010 )Griffin, R.W. and Moorhe, G. ( 2007 ) Administration and people.9th edn. Online . Available at hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed 20 October 2010 )hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed 20 October 2010 ) .Kouzes, J. M. & A Posner, B. Z. ( 1987 ) . The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco Jossey- Bass.McGill, I. & A Beaty, L. ( 1995 ) . run Learning, 2nd edition a usher for professional, direction and educational development Kogan Page, London.Mullins, L. J. ( 2005 ) Management and Organisational Behaviour.7th edn.Spain Pearson instruction LimitedPogson, P. & A Tennant, M. ( 1995 ) . correspondence Adults in Foley, G. erectile dysfunction. Understanding big instruction and preparation, St Leonards, Allen & A Unwin, pp.20-30Ramsden, P. ( 2003 ) .Learning to learn in higher education.2nd edn.London RoutledgeTight, M. , Mok, K. H. , Huisman, J. , Morphew, C. C. ( 2009 ) The Routeledge International Handbook of Higher Eduaction..Google books Online .Available at http// Accessed 10 October 2010 )
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Essay
EEOC stands for the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. EEOCs job is to utilise the laws against diversity in the workplace. The discrimination can refer to an employees race, color, religion, sex, maternalism, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. They also protect employees for complaining about discrimination, filing discrimination charges, or being part of an employment discrimination investigation or showcase (EEOC, 2014). EEOC first investigates alleged charges in a fair and accurate manner. ground on their findings determines whether or not discrimination has occurred, and if a lawsuit is in order or not. EEOC also provides programs to prevent discrimination in the workplace earlier it happens. They provide outreach, education, and technical assistance programs. For example, one particular word released from EEOC deals with pregnancy discrimination (EEOC, 2014). This presentation will take a deeper look into the article and how EEOC tries t o stir discrimination within the workplace. The Issue that Led to the LawsuitLynsey Burd worked at Office Concepts Inc. in Indianapolis. This business provides machines, supplies, and services to spate in northern Indiana and northwest Ohio (EEOC, 2014). In April of 2012, Lynsey informed her bosses that she was enceinte. The comp either responded by hiring a new employee that Lynsey would train. The reason for this was to replace Lynsey when the time came for her to take leave to entertain the baby. Soon after this Lynsey was pink-slipped and the company hired yet an otherwise new employee. some(prenominal) new employees where not pregnant (Green, 2014). This lead to Lynsey Burd to contact EEOC who filed the lawsuit on September 23, 2014 (EEOC, 2014). The lawsuit is still in affect and the Office Concept Inc. is not commenting on the lawsuit at this time (Green, 2014).The ramifications of this lawsuit can swing either way. Lynsey whitethorn lose her lawsuit, and join many wome n who have tried and failed to prove pregnancy discriminations in court. Business can say it had nothing to do with the pregnancy only if more to do with the womans inability to do certain tasks the job requires. Judges tend to favor this logic and women tend to lose their lawsuits (Gordon, 2012). The other side to this is the business loses and pays out to Lynsey. This can bring to light to customers or potential employees on the injustice the business causes its employees. The business may experience the passing game of customers and have trouble hiring. EEOCs Role in the LawsuitEEOC first investigated Lynsey Burd claim against Office Concepts Inc. They found that Lynsey had a case against the organization through the gestation Discrimination Act. Second, EEOC try to reach a settlement with the company through its conciliation process (EEOC, 2014). Third, the settlement failed to work forcing the EEOC to file a suit in the District Court for Northern District of Indiana. EEOC r egional attorney Laurie Young has the case and represents Lynsey Burd. Young believes women who are fired because of pregnancy puts their families in harms way. She also believes women should not have to worry about becoming pregnant or deal with bias and adverse actions because of a pregnancy at any job. This lawsuit is still on going and EEOC will continue defending Lynsey Burd to seek enforcement of the laws that protect woman from this kind of discrimination (EEOC, 2014). Does EEOC Promote Social smorgasbord?EEOC does try to promote social change against discrimination of any kind in the workplace. This article of the lady fighting for her rights shows the level of commitment EEOC has in enforcing the laws that protects people in the work place. This is not the first lawsuit EEOC has been involved in when it comes to pregnancy discrimination. Even though many of these cases are lost EEOC continues to support, help, and fight for pregnancy rights in the workplace. EEOC has recei ved so many pregnancy discrimination complaints that they have been holding hearings on the subject (Gordon, 2012). The common problem with pregnancy discrimination is companies claiming pregnancy blindness and courts agreeing which dismisses the cases against them.Examples of this are, a lady being fired because of repeated tardiness due to morning unhealthiness, a lady got fired during pregnancy leave because she wasnt operative instead getting treated for postpartum depression, and a lady who works as a lab technician got unpaid leave after becoming pregnant because she is exposed to toxic chemicals (Gordon, 2012). In each case the courts favored the company involved. Despite the fails EEOC continues to fight for womens right when it comes to pregnancy discrimination. There is also economy drafts being made to address this problem (Gordon, 2012). EEOC Press Release versus the News ArticleOne divergence between the EEOC press release and the news article is, the news article has more information behind the accusation then the press release. The news article includes when Lynsey Burd became pregnant, while the press release did not. Second difference is the press release states how the EEOC tried to get a settlement before going through with the lawsuit, while the news article makes not notion of this. The stand firm difference between the two articles is the news article states how it tried to talk with the company and got declined for comment. EEOC press release focus more on the filing of the lawsuit, wherefore it was filed, and how they tried to settle outside of court. The new article focused more on the person filling the lawsuit, why she felt discriminated against, and who is representing her in court. Both articles have similar information about what is going on with the case and why. The differences show the different sides to the situation. One, shows the side form the people who are representing Lynsey Burd. Two, shows the side of the victim herself. Both articles bring into light injustices that continue to happen in the workplace and why it is necessary to fight for these rights. ConclusionEEOC takes its role in defending the laws against discrimination in the workplace seriously. Their goal is to change and stop discrimination from happening to people. To be able to change social perception people need to be enlightened and shown the injustice that hurt others and their families. EEOC does not just enforce the laws, but defends the people who have been discriminated against. Even though many of these cases are lost EEOC continues to support, help, and fight for rights in the workplace.If I was a senior manager of this company to avoid this issue in the future I personally would not discriminate against pregnant women. If a woman becomes pregnant they would have to train a temporary replacement. She would be given a certain amount of maternity leave based on doctors orders. If the maternity leave needs to be extended it can be with a doctors note explaining why. Once maternity leave is up she would have a job to come back too. During her pregnancy she would receive certain relax in policy. For example, if sever morning sickness coming in to work late will be over looked, early leave time to make doctor appointments, and reduced work effect so as to not put the pregnancy in danger.ReferencesEEOC. (2014). EEOC Sues Office Concepts for Pregnancy Discrimination. Retrieved from http// Gordon, C. (2012, April 5). How Employers Get Away With Firing with child(predicate) Women Legally. AOL Inc. Retrieved from http// Green, R. S. (2014, September 24). Pregnant staffer wrongly fired, lawsuit says. The Journal Gazette. Retrieved from http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Student Exploration: Graphing Skills Gizmo
. Student Exploration Graphing Skills Vocabulary bar interpret, line graph, negative relationship, pie chart, positive relationship, surpass, unfold plot, variant Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the dodge. ) 1. Four kinds of graphs are order of battlen in this Gizmo. Circle the kinds you have seen before. picpic picpic Bar graph Line graph Pie chart circularise plot 2. Where have you seen graphs used? Graphs are used everywhere. You roll in the hay find them in textbooks, newspapers, meetings, schoolroom, everywhere.Basically anywhere some single needs to portray information, visualize info, display trends or patterns, compare two or more things, chart progression/digression, show relationships, etc. 3. Why do you think graphs are useful? Like verbalize in a higher place, graphs are useful to share information with another(prenominal)s and put it in a picture-like form. Sometimes it is easier to understand a concept if you can visualize it, which is what a graph does. Gizmo Warm-up Using the Graphing Skills Gizmo 1.The Graphing Skills Gizmo starts with a bar graph on the right and a data set on the left. habituate using the Gizmo by doing the following Write a title. Label the vertical and horizontal axes. Change the scale of the vertical bloc. Drag the bars up and down. 2. Use the Graph pillowcase dropdown list to apportion other kinds of graphs. Practice with for to distributively one one type of graph On the Line graph drag the points up and down. On the Pie chart change the size of each slice by dragging the edges. On the Scatter plot drag points from the data table to the graph. action mechanism A Get the Gizmo ready pic Bar graphs On the contend menu, select Create graph. On the Graph type menu, select Bar graph. If necessary, blab unsanded until Animal speed data appears. Goal Build a bar graph based on a data table. 1. Create graph A bar graph is useful for comparing things, such as how fast animals can run. Write a title for the graph. (Look at the title of the data table for a suggestion. ) Label the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. Pick what you think is the best choice for a vertical axis scale. Drag each bar to match the data in the table. Do your best to estimate heights. 2. break out your work Click Check to see how well you did. A. What was your accuracy mop up? Over 90 is excellent. ) Accuracy chronicle is 100. B. What vertical scale did you choose? (In other words, how much does each horizontal line on the graph fit? ) Each line on the graph represents 20 km/h. 3. revisal Click Show value on mouseover. Move the cursor over each bar to see its value. array each bar and click Check until the accuracy score is 100. To show your work, click the screenshot camera at upper left. feast the screenshot into a blank document. 4. visualize Which of these animals is fas attempt? Cheetah Slowest? Human . Apply Click New and make the next bar graph. Adjust the scale if needed and dont forget to make a title and label each axis. Click Check to see your accuracy. A. What country has the highest life foresight? The lowest? Country with the highest life expectancy is Andorra. Country with the lowest is Zambia. B. Does anything about the graph surprise you? I hoped that the USA would have the highest life expectancy, but that was not the case. (Too many McDonalds to blame. ) 6. Challenge yourself Hold a contest with your classmates.Turn off the Show value on mouseover checkbox and click New. Who can create the most absolute bar graph? Activity B Get the Gizmo ready pic Line graphs and pie charts Under Graph type select Line graph. If necessary, click New until Temperature data appears. Goal Build a line graph and a pie chart. Line graphs 1. Create graph Line graphs are often used to show how something changes over time. Write a title and label the axes. Adjust the vertical scale if needed. Create the line graph by dragging the points up and down. 2. Check your work Click Check. What was your accuracy score? Accuracy score is 100. 3. rescript Turn on Show values on mouseover and adjust the graph until your score is 100. Take a screenshot of your graph and paste it into a document. 4.Interpret Which day was hottest? Wednesday Which day was coolest? Sunday 5. Apply Try additional line graphs until you are comfortable fashioning this type of graph. Discuss the most interesting graphs with your teacher and classmates. Pie charts 6. Create graph Pie charts are used to show proportional data. Under Graph type select Pie chart. Make sure that Show values and labels is checked. Write a title for the pie chart and drag the pie pieces to match the data table. 7. Check your work Click Check. Revise your pie chart if necessary.When the pie chart is correct, paste a screenshot of the chart into your document. 8. Interpret What were the most popular pies? Apple 9. Apply Try additional pie charts until you are comforta ble with this type of graph. For a real challenge, try to make a pie chart with the Show values and labels checkbox turned off. 10. Extend your thinking The Gizmo also allows you to create a data table from a graph. Under Challenge select Create table. Write a title for the table and then fill in each empty box based on the graph. Click Check to check your accuracy. Activity C Get the Gizmo ready pic Scatter plots Under Challenge select Create graph. Under Graph type select Scatter plot. If necessary, click New until Studying and score data appears. Goal Create a scatter plot. 1. Create graph Scatter plots are used to see if one variable is related to another. Each point on a scatter plot has two values. For example, if Robert studied for 40 minutes and got a quiz score of 98, Roberts point would be placed at (40, 98) on the graph. (You can think of that as over 40, up 98. ) To make a scatter plot, do the following Write a title for the graph. Label the horizontal ax is based on the second column of the data table, and the vertical axis based on the third column of the data table.Include units in each label. Adjust the horizontal and vertical axis scales if needed. Drag each point to match the data. 2. Check your work Click Check. What was your accuracy score? Accuracy score is 100. 3. Revise Turn on Show values on mouseover and adjust the graph until your score is 100. Adjust the axis scales if necessary. Paste a screenshot of your graph into a document. 4. Interpret Based on this graph, will studying help you do well on a test? Explain. Yes The longer a student studied, the higher his/her test score was. 5. Extend your thinking The Studying vs.Score scatter plot shows an example of a positive relationshipas one variable increases, so does the other. The points in this type of scatter plot tend to go uphill from left to right. A negative relationship is the oppositeas one variable increases, the other variable decreases. These types of scatte r plots go downhill from left to right. A. Which graphs in the Gizmo show a positive relationship? In the Income versus Education graph, as ones education improved and increased, the income they earned also increased. With the Study and Score Evaluation, when ones study time increased, the score also check with an increase.With the Growth Over Time graph, there is a positive relationship since as one person increases in age, the height also increases. B. Which graphs in the Gizmo show a negative relationship? The only graph I could find which remotely represented this was the Temperature Data Graph. As progression increased finished the week and it got closer to the weekend, the temperature decreased. Although not demonstrated in the Gizmo, a perfect example of a negative relationship would be as the elevation above sea level rises, the temperature decreases. pic
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The leaves now searching for a new home, they flutter down on their wings of pure gold. The trees now come together, forsaken, quarantined and soon to winters chilliness. Crickets, hedgehogs, owls too join in with the late shadow autumn song. To remind us another season wont be long. Christmas gifts make their showing on shelves in stores. Leaf blowers begin to go on vacation and snow shovels prepare for chores.Winter is here Everything knows from the tiny hares to the giant deer That Christmas our favorite time of the stratum is near. Struggling to keep in winters cheer, Children burst out winter is here. Sometimes tend to gaze at the stars. On a clear winters night maybe even Mars. When outside is a winter wonderland of snow, Passionate eyes resembling ember aglow. Teeth chatter homogeneous a pair of castanets. The dusty seeps into our gloves until they cease to bend properly.There is no escape from the cold especially when its in your own property Your muscles will be so nu mb you can exactly hop It seems like a mission just going to the first bus stop But if I do each the bus stop, I attempt to lean on it. Forgetting that in winter days, the icy biting metal that quickly imbibes all your body heat Leaving you as cold as those trees, its an experience you loud not like to meet On winters day thin frozen puddles crack under my winter boots. To me the cracks look like gnarled fingers, twisted and knotted.Others say the cracks look like tree roots. The ground was as smooth as a cake Snow had fallen like icing powder, perfecting it to its finest point The scene so unreal one could say it was fake. The swirling white and the lush grass collided. Falling in snow the children were de liteed The trees so tired it seemed they couldnt even put up a fight To keep themselves all stained white The trees dreamt of warmth All they received was the pale light only winters Sun could give.Even the leaf stems lie frosty and sharp But it glistens like an angels harp The floor full of crystals of ice gleam like a floor of polished white quartz Indicating aims time for winter sports. In winter people are sneezing because it is freezing As they exhale megascopic puffs of smoke diverge People begin to miss summers outdoor heating When witnessing the obscure clouds above finally converge. Winter winds now howl Piling up snow in adrift Tired from a lack of sleep people now scowl Misunderstanding, winters cool gift.
Commentary – Staring At The Sun by The Offspring
Maybe life is the like a ride on a state highway Dodging bullets while youre trying to find your way Everyones around, barely no one does a damn thing It brings me brush up, but I wont let them If I seem bleak Well youd be correct And if I dont speak Its cause I stackt disconnect But I wont be levy by the reflection Of the fire in your eyes As youre staring at the sun When I ran I didnt feel like I ran outdoor(a) When I escaped I didnt feel like I got away Theres to a greater extent to living than only surviving Maybe Im not at that place, but Im understood trying Though you hear me I dont think that you relate.My will is something That you cant confiscate So forgive me, but I wont be frustrated By destruction in your eyes As youre staring at the sun Commentary (Staring At The Sun) The Offspring are commonly known to be a punk-rock exercise set but they have taken up so many different styles in their albums that many would gybe that they sing something unique which cannot be fitted fully in a specific genre of music. But the issue of almost every album has been fast songs with really meaningful lyrics (and not just something that rhymes which can be often heard in punk-rock).Their album, Americana not only sold over 10,000,000 copies worldwide but too presented the band in a new light and served as a development of Californian punk-rock. In Americana, the band sings about different events that happen in the life of ordinary American families and teenagers. Staring At The Sun is one of my favorite songs not only because of the music but also because of powerful lyrics which combines come up with the rhythm. Generally, the song is about trying to figure out your identity and how you fit in the world.It is especially perspicuous for teenagers that are growing up and trying to fit in everything they do. The song also tells us of peck who want to fit in so desperately that they compromise their interests and transform their character in gear up to fit in. The lyrics remind me of a narrative poem. The root line sets the mood of the song and suggests that the persona is in deep thoughts about life. Simile life is like a ride on a freeway reflects the subject of personas thoughts. Freeway suggests freedom in choosing your way of living or your place in the society. excite links to the predilection of searching for something in this society. The second line completes the persuasion raised in the front line that life is searching for your place, trying to fit in the world. Dodging bullets suggests rage which could mean difficulties that can be encountered when trying to find yourself and that irrespective of anger or grudge that you may have you should encompass to seek for your place in society.The contiguous cardinal lines link to the idea that it is important for anybody to be who he/she is and do not care what anyone else thinks. This is suggested by the trine line that although everyones around, there is really no he lp from them in selecting the path of your life (no one does a damn thing). The next line extends the idea slightly suggesting that being yourself while all the rest turn against you is very rough but you should not quit the path you have selected. The end of the third line and the beginning of the one-fourth are loaded with heavy words.This becomes even more evident as the singer stresses these words when interpret the song. Repetition of d and g in the words damn, thing, brings, down emphasizes the fact that there is no help from the throng surrounding you and that they essentially try to stop you from selecting your path (bring, down). But this is then contradicted by I wont let them. The second stanza emphasizes personas unwillingness to conform to everyone else. This is suggested by the first four lines. The last three lines of the stanza are very significant.In these lines persona is trying to say that if soulfulness is going to destroy himself, he is not going to drag th e persona down with him. This is suggested by I wont be burned by the reflection of the fire in your eyes. The words burned and fire are significant here as they emphasize burning, dying out, destruction of character and identity of soulfulness who is trying to fit in something unnatural for himself. Staring at the sun is a metaphor or analogy for people that are being self-destructive or compromising themselves.The persona says that he is not a part of this and appeals to people to stick to their own paths that they have selected and not compromise themselves. The burning of these lines suggests personas displeasure about this situation. The third stanza is about persona in the actual search for his path of life. The first cardinal lines of the stanza suggest that you may be uncertain or doubt the path you have selected when all the people around you are trying to stop you.Echoing of running away (ran and ran away) and escaping (escaped and got away) in the same lines emphasizes your tireless search for the true path, that you may not know what to do or where to go but you should keep seeking for it. This idea is also confirmed by the last cardinal lines of the stanza that you should live in the way you want and not to conform to somebody elses style of living (theres more to living than only surviving) just because you have to, if it is unnatural for you. The last line of the stanza confirms the idea that although you lay down you have not found your path yet you should continue seeking for it.It is also significant that the idea of searching, emphasized by the first two lines (ran, ran away, escaped and got away) also links it to the idea that your mind could be confused by other peoples opinions. The last stanza again emphasizes the fact that the persona is not going to be dragged down by self-destructive people who compromise themselves. In the first two lines persona is suggesting that although these self-destructive people may understand him they c annot take any action towards changing it as their identity and character are already tied in with the thought that they have to compromise themselves.The third and fourth lines of the stanza signify the fact that persona will not be a part of that by admitting that my will will be guiding him in search for his path and that it cannot be manipulated or confiscated foreign the minds of people who compromise themselves. This is also confirmed by stressing my will which emphasizes strength and endurance. The last three lines of the stanza bear the end of the second one and thus emphasize the personas thoughts that it is important for anybody to be who they really want to and not to try conforming to or to fitting in somebody elses style.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Social Costs and Externalities of Indonesian Palm Oil
Indonesia is the prefaceing producer and exporter of thread rock oil across the globe. Oil cargon is of richly scotch status throughout Indonesia, Africa, and most of the East because of its abundance in the region, richness of nutritional and mineral components, and high yields of edible and technical oils. The extensive using of oil palm industries in many tropic countries is due to its extremely high potential productivity. The steady demand of the oil has existed for integration into processed oods, face-to-face cargon products, and home-cooked meals.Correspondingly, with increased interest in substitution of fossil fuels, palm oil is being demanded for biofuel readiness production. The issues with palm oil extraction are many One including that the high demand from developed nations has lead to the shake of cultivation into the rainwoodlands, destroying habitat. Additionally, the production and extracting gives opportunities for small land-holders to participate in th e cash economy, but often metre big banks and companies acquire their land without notification or compensation. Migrant workers and imported laborers are said to lawfully conflict with extraction processes.Regardless, a large majority of the rural- poor, working class of Indonesia relies on income from palm oil production. With that, the entire population could be lifted out of poverty. The central obligation Indonesia holds is to lift their unemployed and destitute majority from those circumstances and boost sustainable economic harvest-tide. Since the economy of the country is heavily dependent in general of the agriculture, forestry and mining sectors, the opening up of forests and further extraction of their natural esources are the most reliable sources toward attain their financial goals.In relation, externalities and social costs must be taken into account because local production, global markets, and humour change are ever connected in the race to seize reproductive function of renewable resources. With that in mind, Indonesia is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world as a result of their deforestation, peat land degradation, and forest fires for their expanding industry of palm oil extraction (Business Watch Indonesia, 2007).Meanwhile, Indonesia is a low-lying coastal area and is undefended to the climate ffects that they, in fact, are contributing their greenhouse gases to. Additionally, with Indonesias longitudinal positioning on the equator, it is most pliable to the sink dynamics resulting from climate change. However, because there is an influx of demand for palm oil for food and industrial consumption, Indonesia has Jumped onto the opportunity to expand their already leading production to meet demand and bring bear to from each one workers GDP.Indonesia holds close to 50 percent of share-hold global production on palm oil and to keep up with their plans on extending the ountries production from 22 million tons to 40 million tons by 2020, they are using this opportunity to commit programs for promotion of biofuels (Buschmann, The Case of Indonesian Palm Oil, 2011). While rich countries stage forth effort to specialize in environmentally friendly production and are implementing boundaries of sustainability in their protest economies, they are attracted to productions that are environmentally harmful in developing regions.This shifts the environmental costs from importer to exporter and ultimately leads to unequal ecological exchange from ttempting to make the shift to renewable strength and meet the standards of the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols within their own boundaries. squiffy nations are continuously working to cut emissions with increased awareness of global climate change. However, the Kyoto Protocol fails to pass those high producing developing nations to those same standards, (BWI, 2010). This is an issue in that rich nations emission reduction is based on their economic devel opment and status.What such nations are not willing to assist in is the sustainable development and growth of the eveloping nations they are importing from through fair trade, technology transfer, and general financial and technical assistance. Without compliments to the natural capital or the environment, Indonesia is doing quite well in terms of progressing as an economically sustainable country. Palm oil and its global importance in the newer- found relation to biodiesel is a valuable plus in providing a brighter quality of life in regards to revenue for more than three million Indonesian workers and their families (Waltermann & Streubel, BWI, 2010).Commonsensically, more people working in a rowing biofuel-centered sector would lead to increasing incomes and overall economic achievement. In the case of Indonesian palm oil, there is a central assumption that represents complex, crisscrossing issues that breed the different levels of action from a varying range of contributors with multiple interests. This means that although the local production is paid the autochthonic workers, local production, inter subject field trade, and global climate change are all interconnected.The directives put in place by developed economies look to reach a final level of renewable postal code consumption. Palm oil is seen for its energetic, technically renewable biofuel use and shtup have a positive publication on economic growth for both palm oil producers as well as energy producers, at the expense of exploited natural resources and forest habitats. There are undoubtedly counterproductive consequences attach to the demand for sustainable crude palm oil and the general switch from fossil fuels to renewable fuels.By converting national accounts to green economies (budgets with money for renewable energy allotted into them), there is an alleviation on the debate of translating environmental concerns into conomic variables, but only when apply to sustainable concepts. This is faulty because it rides on the idea that all forms of capital can substitute each other regardless of how the stock of the capital is composed. This means that well-off the while overextending a resources productive capacity (OECD, 2005) The concept of environmental Justice or strong sustainability has limitations on the previously storied substitution of capital.Because there are boundaries on forests reproductive capacity, the continuity of economic systems are at risk. near westernized overnments have reached the manufactured and natural capital equilibrium, where they have the ability to access both forms of the goods, and any rise in one will have an expense on the other. Forest products, and in this case palm oil from the Indonesian forests, are shown to have short-term economic gains by conversion of forest to clownish use in the over-exploitation of the products. This typically leads to long-term loss in income and biological productivity.Also in the case of Indon esian palm oil and forest loss, the production is exceeding the value of ready-for- production, rise sources. The graph below demonstrates the rise of palm oil production and how Indonesia was able to reliably supply roughly 57 percent of the annual increase with its vast land resources and a suitable climate. However, it is clear that production has extended beyond the mature supplies and gone into areas beyond suitability to reach demand from international markets and an increased interest by native small farm-holders to erect their own private plantations (USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009).Social and external costs are by and large associated with export and import rates, overnment investment and tax systems in the international market. One abrogating externality is the non-tariff trade barriers applied by developed importers. To assure some security when and if free trade is encumbranceive and ecological standards go down, these barriers work to restrict the exporte rs in the market when supply cannot meet demand. On the other hand, for small farm-holders to establish their plantations, they must qualify for subsidizing credit tind by the Government of Indonesia and prioritize with other startup costs.Because of this possibility the palm oil roduction sector has experienced strong development and expansion across the country, with an average of 8-13% annual growth rates in palm areas over the last decade (USDA, 2009). The Indonesian government, over the past decade, has provided these loans to advance smallholders expansion, at rates below market interest. Alongside the enabling of non-commercial plantation ownership, the Government has advocated ownership with programs that provide smallholders with improved seed, fertilizers, and techniques for growth.Additionally, land-use permits ave been reevaluated to allot more time for companies to control profits earned by a plantation. These interventions have brought positive change in the market s ignificantly non-commercial palm oil farms now account for 44 percent of the total area in the country, second to private commercials (Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009). A major effect of these implementations is the establishment of processing plants. Because fresh fruit bunches require processing within 48 hours of harvest, oil refine plants have been constructed near major concentrations of harvest land.Construction and operation of each plant represents a significant bushel cost for the developer, and typically ends up servicing both commercial and smallholder palm producers that surround it (Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009). The investment in in contributor in the success of Indonesias palm oil business. At the expense of the environments health, and with the push from changes in government economic and political policies, historical highs have been reached leading Indonesia to the number one get along in exporting and producing of palm oil.Nonetheless, without regard t o its ommunal use and benefits to the servicer, service emissions are still added to the atmosphere, more resources and forests are eliminated, reducing the amount of the fruit available for use by the farmers and ruining the habitat of accompanying wildlife. farther success rates in the palm oil sector I believe, at this point, rely on the clarification of one all-encompassing issue. That is, whether or not ecological economies can lead to different assessments of how economic growth, open trade, and the environment can be positively or negatively associated.Investors and roducers have optimistic expectations of astir(p) their economies despite being built on the depletion of a natural capital and possibly misleading those civilians toward a downward trend.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Progressive Insurance Company
1. 1 continuous tense damages Compevery offers its services to over 10 million people, qualification it one of the largest automobile insurance companies in the U. S. A. There are various initiatives devised by progressive to correct service quality under the five dimensions of service quality which are following. Reli talent a. forward-moving offers a high-tech method for calculating auto insurance amplitudes on a fee-as-you-go basis to perform the promised, customized and differentiate services. b.Progressive group introduced Comparison Quotes 1-800-AUTO-PRO, a technologically mod auto insurance rate comparison-shopping service. c. A study innovation is Progressives implementation of fast service. With immediate response, Progressive could do their things better and write out cost in business. Responsiveness a. Progressives auto insurance policy is loaded with exceptional features such as local response consumes service, 24/7 live support and concierge level of clai ms service, without any additional fees. b. Progressive furnishes attractive discounts to their clients.These discounts can largely benefit people, who are good students, mature drivers or have a good driving record. c. Progressives innovative Gold Card could be broken in half, facilitating the exchange of information between drivers after an accident. Assurance Progressive group offers auto insurance to all types of drivers. It respected for the customers and had effective communication with customers. Customers choose Progressive automobile insurance for its long coverage options, competitive rates and specialized claims service.Empathy a. Since its inception, Progressive has followed an innovative approach to auto insurance. For customers who were unable to pay one annual payment, it allowed them to pay their premiums in monthly installments. b. Drivers who signed up for Autograph were offered an additional crop of services that were unrelated to insurance. These service featu res, which included theft recovery, remote door unlocking, travel directions, low-battery detection, and emergency financial aid help, were caring and sympathy to customers. Tangibles . Progressive owned 350 local claims offices, which shared the information on the accident and customer through a centralized informationbase, and 1400 IRV used for immediate response service. b. Progressive used warm chemical reaction Vehicles which were Ford vans outfitted with a desk, file cabinet, drapes, cell phones, generator, computer and printer, chairs, fax machine, and small refrigerator. The white vans, with the Progressive name emblazoned in blue, are tangible evidence of the care and service exhibited by Progressive. c.In the Houston office, a team consisted of ten persons with five in the field doing Immediate Response and five in the office state phones , dispatching agents, and processing long-term claims. 1. 2 There exist two initiatives which either address the service dimension s non tackled by Progressive or may further enhance the initiatives they have devised. a. Progressive could set up a department of service quality which is responsible for supervising the process of offering services, collecting the complaints of customers, and up products and services from high quality perspective. . Progressive could attach more importance on human mental imagery management through a comprehensive set of training, evaluation and incentive mechanism. Therefore, it is significant that stimulating claim representatives to work actively and newer reps to arrest faster. 1. 3 a. Autograph relied on GPS satellites, mapping engine room, and internal computers to determine when and how more than a vehicle was driven. This information was uploaded monthly to Progressives database. b.Progressives ability to segment depended upon its educate underwriting software, which allowed agents to set rates at finer levels than its competition. c. Advances in technology, particul arly wireless technology and cell phones, do Progressives leap into 24/7 service possible. d. IR organization facilitated the seamless persist of information and enabled Progressive claims representatives to work up estimates immediately. e. Progressives price segmenting consisted of data mining and across-the-board statistical analysis of customer behavior. f.Claims representatives relied on their cell phones in the early days of IR job dispatchers to relay data and retrieve coverage information from the claims center and the companys mainframe. 1. 4 Progressive Insurance has been selling reasonably-priced car insurance since 1937. They started by offering car insurance policies through self-supporting insurance brokers. These brokers sold a variety of car insurance policies from various insurance companies. The initial policies were intentional to provide insurance to consumers who were considered high-risk because of their driving record.The company has grown significantly since 1937 and now offers a panoptic variety of car insurance policies to all consumers. Progressive Insurances service oriented strategy has re fashiond the standard for how car insurance is sold and how claims are pass overd. External customer Actions Progressive enhanced customer satisfaction through various service manners. First, Progressive was one of the first insurers to enter the non-standard market, in which it pronto became a dominant player. , to offer their services for high-risk customers.Progressives strength lay in its ability to finely segment its customer base. Second, a major innovation was Progressives implementation of Immediate Response, which is one of the best ways to enhance customer satisfaction. Their mobile claims offices and Immediate Response Vehicles could verify information, pacify policyholders and expedite the claims process at the site of an accident. Third, Progressives Comparison Quotes provided prospective customers who called Progressives toll-free number with rates from Progressive and up to three competitors.In such way, they provided the multiply choice for consumer to study different insurers. Measurements The amount of complaints and advices collected from customers should be seriously considered. Besides, questionnaires could help Progressive know the first-hand information approximately the degree of customer satisfaction. financial Actions Progressive set aside portion of the premiums collected from policyholders to cover losses. They invested funds set aside for loss reserves, unearned premium reserves, policyholders surplus, and shareholders equity.According to the Exhibit 2 table of Auto Insurance Costs and Profits,Progressive focus on cost reduction in several aspects including commissions fees, costs of operations, state premium taxes, and dividends to policyholders. Measurements From Exhibit 5 table of Progressive Selected Financials, loss ratio, expense ratio, combined ratio could be undeniable me asurements for Progressive Insurance to understand the cost problems. Internal business operations Actions Progressives auto insurance was sold through both dedicated and independent agents as well as instantly to the consumer via telephone and Internet.Meanwhile, Progressive made efforts on shortening the process of dealing with the customer request of car accident and other claims. Measurements Progressive consequently se out to encourage policyholders to report accidents immediately. It instituted a Claims reportage Index (CRI) that observeed how long it took a customer to report an accident. learning and growth Actions Progressive had two round-eyed operating principles hire the best and pay the most for expressing employee satisfaction. They put their employees through crucible that is a highly competitive and challenging place to work.Whats more, Progressive was willing to train new representatives to help them grow faster to be more experienced ones. Measurements Progress ive had the best people in the industry as measured by education, intelligence, initiative, work ethic, and work record. Progressive could also utilize Employee Satisfaction Index including data from employee survey, focus groups, absenteeism, and voluntary terminations. 1. 5 The company is customer-oriented and has developed new business practices that use information technology with a customer focus.These IT practices are designed to provide high quality customer service and to create an environment in which the customer can quickly and easily purchase car insurance and handle their insurance claims. Customer For external customer, purchase a boat or motorcycle policy on the Progressive website, customers can cut through the time and paperwork usually required to insure these vehicles. File a claim or manage the policy on Progressive website, customers can file your claim and monitor the settlement without having to phone or write to a claims representative.For internal customer, Progressives claims representatives relied on advanced technology, particularly wireless technology and cell phones to shorten turnaround time in responding to urgent accidents. Financial For IT services provided to external and internal customers, Progressive focused on both revenue and cost. Progressive mantled the cost of installing in the policyholders automobiles a GPS transponder, cellular communication system, and small computer as well as cabling and connectors (roughly $500 per vehicle). Besides, IT services provided by Progressive attracted more customers and increased revenue. -Internal IT operations Progressive should focus on how to optimize IT operation. The seamless flow of information facilitated by the Immediate Response system enabled Progressive to work up estimates immediately. Progressive could take actions to reduce downtime through better database capacity planning. Learning and growth Progressive was committed to technological leadership in an industry that was growing increasingly ruttish about employing technologies such as GPS and cellular modems for enterprise growth. Progressive should provide more technical trainings to administrators.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Prisons Make Criminals Worse Essay
Prisons make criminals worse, and should be abolished The modern prison house system was demonstrable in the 19th century. The system had three basic aims to isolate, punish and reform the inmates. However, in the last 20 years, t here has been a sharp increase in the number of prisoners and prisons have come to be ordinarily criticized for being universities of crime. This essay attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of prisons, whether they actually make criminals worse, or whether they offer a chance at betterment. This part of the essay deals with the advantages of the prison system. There be three app bent benets to position convicts into prisons. First, they provide punishment by deprivation of their freedom. Second, the offenders are segregated from the rest of the society and so cannot re-offend. And third, they are given the possibility to take part in various training programmes, which gives them the chance to reform.However, there are a number of drawbacks as well. F irst of all, prisons appear to be failing in the 21st century. Secondly, the prison population is rising steadily in many countries and at the same time many prisoners render to prison. Thirdly, few prisons are actually able to offer effective reform programmes. And nally, prison conditions are frequently brutal and degrading. To sum up, even though there are all these serious disadvantages in the strong system, the pros outweigh the cons, as it would seem unimaginable living in a society in which heap with criminal record mingle with those who do not have it, and are thence in unmediated danger of encountering the convicts.It would appear that the solution to the problem is not the question of whether prisons should be abolished or should be here to stay, but rather how to make the whole system more effective. One such way could be the attempt to come up with ideas that would directly improve the current state of things for instance thinking about(predicate) where and how to obtain more money to spend on the trainingsystems, or run prevention projects that are targeted not at prisoners themselves, but at people who live in problematic areas and are thus at risk of becoming criminals.
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